--BSS and MSS firmware download info = debug.getinfo(1,'S'); file_path = (info.source); file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "@",""); file_path = string.gsub(file_path, "DataCaptureDemo_xWR.lua",""); fw_path = file_path.."..\\..\\rf_eval_firmware" --Export bit operation file bitopfile = file_path.."\\".."bitoperations.lua" dofile(bitopfile) --Read part ID res, efuserow9 = ar1.ReadRegister(0xffffe210, 0, 31) if (bit_and(efuserow9, 3) == 0) then partId = 1243 elseif (bit_and(efuserow9, 3) == 1) then partId = 1443 else partId = 1642 end --ES version res, ESVersion = ar1.ReadRegister(0xFFFFE218, 0, 31) ESVersion = bit_and(ESVersion, 15) --ADC_Data file and Raw file and PacketReorder utitlity log file path data_path = file_path.."..\\PostProc" adc_data_path = data_path.."\\adc_data.bin" Raw_data_path = data_path.."\\adc_data_Raw_0.bin" pkt_log_path = data_path.."\\pktlogfile.txt" -- Download BSS Firmware(AR16xx) if((partId == 1642) and (ESVersion == 1)) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss_rprc_ES1.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss_rprc_ES1.0.bin" elseif((partId == 1642) and (ESVersion == 2)) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr16xx_radarss_rprc_ES2.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr16xx_masterss_rprc_ES2.0.bin" elseif((partId == 1243) and (ESVersion == 2)) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss_ES2.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss_ES2.0.bin" elseif((partId == 1243) and (ESVersion == 3)) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss_ES3.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss_ES3.0.bin" elseif((partId == 1443) and (ESVersion == 2)) then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss_ES2.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss_ES2.0.bin" elseif((partId == 1443) and (ESVersion == 3))then BSS_FW = fw_path.."\\radarss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_radarss_ES3.0.bin" MSS_FW = fw_path.."\\masterss\\xwr12xx_xwr14xx_masterss_ES3.0.bin" else WriteToLog("Inavlid Device partId FW\n" ..partId) WriteToLog("Inavlid Device ESVersion\n" ..ESVersion) end -- Download BSS Firmware(AR16xx) if (ar1.DownloadBSSFw(BSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("BSS FW Download Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("BSS FW Download failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(2000) -- Download MSS Firmware if (ar1.DownloadMSSFw(MSS_FW) == 0) then WriteToLog("MSS FW Download Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("MSS FW Download failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(2000) -- SPI Connect if (ar1.PowerOn(1, 1000, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("Power On Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Power On failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) -- RF Power UP if (ar1.RfEnable() == 0) then WriteToLog("RF Enable Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("RF Enable failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.ChanNAdcConfig(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0) == 0) then -- 1 tx, 4 rx, single chip, 16 bit, complex 1x (1 / real data (0), I signal first WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ChanNAdcConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (partId == 1642) then if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then -- Low Power ADC (0,1) WriteToLog("LPModConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LPModConfig failure\n", "red") end else if (ar1.LPModConfig(0, 0) == 0) then -- Regular ADC (0,0) WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("Regualar mode Cfg failure\n", "red") end end RSTD.Sleep(2000) if (ar1.RfInit() == 0) then WriteToLog("RfInit Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("RfInit failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.DataPathConfig(1, 1, 0) == 0) then -- LVDS , ADC only, packet 1 / suppress packet WriteToLog("DataPathConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("DataPathConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.LvdsClkConfig(1, 1) == 0) then --- DDR clock, data rate: 600Mbps WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LvdsClkConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if(partId == 1642) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then -- Lne format 0, lane 1, lane 2 , MSB first, WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") end elseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.LVDSLaneConfig(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("LVDSLaneConfig failure\n", "red") end end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if(partId == 1642) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 7.01, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70.106, 1, 200, 4000, 0, 0, 48) == 0) then --ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 7.01, 6, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 70.006, 1, 100, 2000, 0, 0, 40) WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") end elseif((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if(ar1.ProfileConfig(0, 77, 100, 6, 60, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29.982, 0, 256, 10000, 0, 0, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("ProfileConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ProfileConfig failure\n", "red") end end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.ChirpConfig(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) == 0) then -- TX0, TX1 WriteToLog("ChirpConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("ChirpConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.FrameConfig(0, 0, 36000 , 2 , 50 , 0 , 1) == 0) then -- 8 frames, 128 chirps, periodicity: 40 ms, software trigger(1) WriteToLog("FrameConfig Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("FrameConfig failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(2000) -- select Device type if (ar1.SelectCaptureDevice("DCA1000") == 0) then WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("SelectCaptureDevice failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) --DATA CAPTURE CARD API if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_EthInit("", "", "12:34:56:78:90:12", 4096, 4098) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_EthInit failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) --AR12xx or AR14xx-1, AR16xx- 2 (second parameter indicates the device type) if (partId == 1642) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") end elseif ((partId == 1243) or (partId == 1443)) then if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_Mode(1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 30) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_Mode failure\n", "red") end end RSTD.Sleep(1000) if (ar1.CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay(25) == 0) then WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay Success\n", "green") else WriteToLog("CaptureCardConfig_PacketDelay failure\n", "red") end RSTD.Sleep(1000) --Start Record ADC data ar1.CaptureCardConfig_StartRecord(adc_data_path, 1) RSTD.Sleep(1000) --Trigger frame ar1.StartFrame() RSTD.Sleep(1800000) --Packet reorder utility processing the Raw_ADC_data WriteToLog("Please wait for a few seconds for Packet reorder utility processing .....!!!! \n", "green") ar1.PacketReorderZeroFill(Raw_data_path, adc_data_path, pkt_log_path) RSTD.Sleep(4000) WriteToLog("Packet reorder utility processing done.....!!!! \n", "green") --Post process the Capture RAW ADC data ar1.StartMatlabPostProc(adc_data_path) --writeToLog("Please wait for a few seconds for matlab post processing .....!!!! \n", "green") RSTD.Sleep(4000)