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Arduino and LMP91000 !!

Im facing these problems ... Kindly help me with your opinions and suggestions, and correct me.

1) Im working with Arduino and LMP91000 aiming to use it for electrochemical purposes.  How do i give inputs to achieve cyclic voltammetry?

This is what i tried.



Mode= Three_Lead Amperometry

/* Wire.beginTransmission (LMP91000_Slave_Address);
Wire.write(Internal_Vref | Internal_Zero_20 | Bias_Negative | Bias_20_Percent);

delay(1000); */

2) The multimeter voltages which im getting in steps of 0.1v is not correctly displayed in hyperterminal  !!! why?

3) Another problem which im facing is, the Vout pin shows 1v irrespective of bias which im giving. Output is not varying. whats wrong?

4) How do i check whether my LMP91000 is working or not?

It would be lot of help if someone answers these . Thank you.