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DRV10983: HWiLimitThr setting has inconsistent results

Part Number: DRV10983

I am working on a custom designed board using the DRV10983, with an external MCU running a PI speed control loop.  The motor speed is being read via I2C, run through the PI loop and the Speed Control register is updated to keep the motor speed consistent.  The motor was tuned according to TI documentation and appears to be running properly.  Using a Tek scope with a current probe, my peak current through a motor phase is 1.49A (peak, not RMS).  While tuning my speed control loop, I have found that the DRV10983 is consistently tripping the Lock0 fault.  My original setting for the HWiLimitThr register was 0x06 which should equal 2.8A.  When discovering this, I increased the HWiLimitThr to 0x07 which should equal 3.2A.  Much to my confusion, I found that I was actually tripping the Lock0 fault at a lower peak current threshold during operation.  After finding this, I decreased the HWiLimitThr to 0x05 which should equal 2.4A, and with this lower threshold, I now see longer operation at my peak operating current than with higher HWiLimitThr values.  I am still seeing Lock0 faults which is a problem, so I need some help in figuring out why I am seeing lower thresholds for higher HWiLimitThr values.  Especially considering I am now where near the current trip values on my scope measurements.  I was able to capture the trip point where the Lock0 fault occurred with HWiLimitThr = 0x07 and the DRV10983 was tripping when less than 1A was going through the motor phases.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


  • Hey Mark,

    If I understand you correctly, it sounds like you're experiencing the Current Limit Lock0 at various levels that do not correspond with the HWiLimitThr.

    One explaination for this is that current limit is monitored on all 3 phases. I assume you are only monitoring current on one of the three phases which does not provide information about what the level the current is being triggered. It is entirely possible to have low current on one phase while the current flowing through the other 2 are high. If you have 3 current probes, that will give the full story. Otherwise, try experimenting by monitoring each of the 3 phases a handful times (assuming the current limit lock is easily replicable) and this may or may not help answer the question.

    Another piece of information that is helpful is when you are experiencing Current Limit. Is this during Open Loop or Closed Loop operation? Note some other current limits come into play when accounting for open loop or closed loop. Providing your EEPROM settings (preferably using the GUI) can help us understand the bigger picture a bit better.



  • So I had a similar thought about the phase currents being different.  I only have one current probe, but the fault is so easy to reproduce that I captured the current when the fault occurred multiple times on each phase.  I would imagine statistically speaking that there is a chance the current fault is always on a different phase than I'm measuring, but with a star wound motor, I would think that I would have seen an anomaly at some point in my testing or at least see a current closer to the 2.4-3.2A thresholds that are programmed in, when I have never witnessed anything higher than 1.49A peak on any phase.

    All these errors are occurring while the DRV10983 is running closed loop, I can easily see on the scope when the closed loop functionality takes over.

    I already have a bit of framework built around the DRV10983 in code, so it is initialized via a struct in code for portability.  Most settings are configured using enums which should be pretty easy to determine the value.  The initialization code writes the registers out with proper bit shifting and masking from the enums:

    /// DRV10983 configuration.
    static const drv10983_device_config_t DRV10983_DEVICE_CONFIG =
    .doubleFreq = drv10983_motor_param_DoubleFreq_25kHz,
    .Rm = 0x5B, // 3.4 ohm
    .AdjMode = drv10983_motor_param_AdjMode_FullCycle,
    .Kt = 0x3A, // 73.3 mV/Hz
    .CtrlAdvMode = drv10983_motor_param_CtrlAdvMode_FixedTime,
    .Tdelay = 0x4C, // 480us
    .ISDThr = drv10983_sys_opt_ISDThr_6Hz,
    .IPDAdvAgl = drv10983_sys_opt_IPDAdvAgl_30d,
    .ISDen = drv10983_sys_opt_ISDen_disable,
    .RvsDrEn = drv10983_sys_opt_RvsDrEn_disable,
    .RvsDrThr = drv10983_sys_opt_RvsDrThr_6P3Hz,
    .OpenLCurr = drv10983_sys_opt_OpenLCurr_0P4A,
    .OpLCurrRt = drv10983_sys_opt_OpLCurrRt_0P7VCCps,
    .BrkDoneThr = drv10983_sys_opt_BrkDoneThr_disable,
    .CtrlCoef = drv10983_sys_opt_CtrlCoef_1,
    .StAccel2 = drv10983_sys_opt_StAccel2_14Hzps2,
    .StAccel = drv10983_sys_opt_StAccel_38Hzps,
    .Op2ClsThr = 0x11, // 25.6Hz
    .AlignTime = drv10983_sys_opt_AlignTime_0P33s,
    .FaultEn3 = drv10983_sys_opt_FaultEn3_enable,
    .LockEn2 = drv10983_sys_opt_LockEn2_disable, // TODO - Enable LockEn2 - Abnormal Kt
    .LockEn1 = drv10983_sys_opt_LockEn1_enable,
    .LockEn0 = drv10983_sys_opt_LockEn0_enable,
    .AVSIndEn = drv10983_sys_opt_AVSIndEn_disable, // TODO - Enable Inductive AVS
    .AVSMEn = drv10983_sys_opt_AVSMEn_enable,
    .AVSMMd = drv10983_sys_opt_AVSMMd_AVS_TO_VCC,
    .IPDRlsMd = drv10983_sys_opt_IPDRlsMd_Brake_Release,
    .SWiLimitThr = 0x0A, // 2A // TODO - Look into limiting the accleration current
    // .HWiLimitThr = 0x04, // 2A
    // .HWiLimitThr = 0x06, // 2.8A // TODO - If we lower the acceleration current, possibly lower the lock current limit
    .HWiLimitThr = 0x05, // 2.8A // TODO - If we lower the acceleration current, possibly lower the lock current limit
    .LockEn5 = drv10983_sys_opt_LockEn5_enable,
    .ClsLpAccel = drv10983_sys_opt_ClsLpAccel_0P77VCCps,
    .Deadtime = 0x09, // 400ns // TODO - Potentially increase deadtime
    .IPDCurrThr = 0, // IPD Disabled
    .LockEn4 = drv10983_sys_opt_LockEn4_enable,
    .VregSel = drv10983_sys_opt_VregSel_5V,
    .IPDClk = drv10983_sys_opt_IPDClk_24Hz,
    .FGOLse = drv10983_sys_opt_FGOLse_Op_and_Cl,
    .FGcycle = drv10983_sys_opt_FGcycle_1_pulse_per_1_cycle,
    .KtLckThr = drv10983_sys_opt_KtLckThr_Hi_2Kt_Lo_1d2Kt,
    .SpdCtrlMd = drv10983_sys_opt_SpdCtrlMd_PWM,
    .CLoopDis = drv10983_sys_opt_CLoopDis_disable,
    .MaxSpd = 405,
    .MinSpd = 60

    Note the MaxSpd and MinSpd are not register values, they are the maximum and minimum value for the SpdCtrl registers that I determined through testing for this project in order to limit the range of operation.

    One other interesting note that I didn't initially mention is that I have been running my test setup without any fault conditions for well over a month, but only recently started seeing the fault condition.  The change that brought this out is the PI speed control loop.  Previously, the code simply wrote a single value out to the SpdCtrl registers based on a button press that would cycle through 6 different speeds, but SpdCtrl was only written once per button press, and the actual speed of the motor was not taken into account.  In order to clean up variations in speed over operating conditions, I wrote a simple PI speed control loop which reads back the motor speed over I2C, runs the PI loop, and then writes a new value out to SpdCtrl every 10ms.  I wrote a quick data logger that polls the last measured speed, target speed, PI error, PI intergral, and output SpdCtrl value to see if there is any large swings in the SpdCtrl value that could be triggering the error, but when the errors occur, only very small changes are being made to the SpdCtrl.  I also validated this using a logic analyzer looking at the I2C activity before and after the Lock0 fault occurs.

    So I guess what I'm curious of is: Is there a maximum frequency that you can write out SpdCtrl updates?  There is a possibility that I am updating the SpdCtrl register more than once between phase zero crosses since my PI loop is fixed frequency, could this cause a problem?  When not writing out SpdCtrl updates periodically, I don't seem to have the issue, so it seems like this could be related to the SpdCtrl write speed.

    Let me know if you have any other questions I could answer to help out,


  • Hey Mark,

    Apologizes for the delay, I think I've compiled your settings into the picture below, let me know if something doesn't agree.

    We'll shelve the current limit issue for now and talk about your PI Loop. So if I understand you correctly, you control the input speed command to the motor using I2C. You do this by enabling the override bit which is SpeedCtrl2[7] (to enabled I2C speed control), and the write some value in the SpeedCtrl1 register and maybe use bit 0 in SpeedCtrl1 if you go fast enough.

    If this is true, then, this amount is translated into a speed command percentage which is pushed to SpeedCmd[7:0]. After looking at your settings (more on this later) it eventually pushed to the the speed command buffer (spdCmdBuffer[7:0]) which is then translated to an electrical frequency in Hz (Motor Speed1 and 2). Then, the electrical frequency is then transferred to RPM using the equation RPM = 60*f_electrical/(n_pole_pairs_motor). Hopefully this gives you some insight why I don't think updating the SpdCtrl Register that quickly will be a problem.

    The max speed command that should be used to control I2C is 0xFF in SpeedCtrl1 with "1" in the SpeedCtrl2[0]. This would look like 0x1FF for SpdCtrl[8:0]. Hopefully this answers your max speed you can write into the registers.

    Now for you current limit problem. I noticed that you closed loop accelerate rate is rather high; this can lead to the speed command buffer changing rapidly which leads to current being surged very quickly if the new speed command much higher than the original one (something that a PI loop might do). Try lowering it 0.091 VCC/s, for example, and see if the current limit still occurs (and if it does, let's see at what level).

    Let me know if this helps,
