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For a BBB, No response on minicom after running from the installed SDK From an Ubuntu 14.04LTS PC

I have a Beaglebone Black connected via a USB to a PC that is running Ubuntu 14.04LTS. I downloaded the SDK from the Ti site for AM335x.

The SDK was successfully installed. Then the was run, (the detail is below). But after the final step, the minicom shows nothing happening,... as if Linux did not boot?  (the cable connection of Ethernet and USB are good,  you can see the CCCCC response from the board, and ethernet lights are blinking):

teklike@bashir-HP-EliteBook-8460p:~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-$ ./
TISDK setup script
This script will set up your development host for SDK development.
Parts of this script require administrator priviliges (sudo access).

Verifying Linux host distribution
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Ubuntu 14.04, or Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is being used, continuing..

Starting with Ubuntu 12.04 serial devices are only accessible by members of the 'dialout' group.
A user must be apart of this group to have the proper permissions to access a serial device.

User 'teklike' is already apart of the 'dialout' group

setup package script
This script will make sure you have the proper host support packages installed
This script requires administrator priviliges (sudo access) if packages are to be installed.
System has required packages!
Package verification and installation successfully completed
In which directory do you want to install the target filesystem?(if this directory does not exist it will be created)
[ /home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- ]

This step will extract the target filesystem to /home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-

Note! This command requires you to have administrator priviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue
/home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- already exists
(r) rename existing filesystem (o) overwrite existing filesystem (s) skip filesystem extraction
[r] o
[sudo] password for teklike:
Old /home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- removed

Successfully extracted tisdk-rootfs-image-am335x-evm.tar.gz to /home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-

This step will set up the SDK to install binaries in to:

The files will be available from /home/root/am335x-evm on the target.

This setting can be changed later by editing Rules.make and changing the
EXEC_DIR or DESTDIR variable (depending on your SDK).

Press return to continue
Rules.make edited successfully..

This step will export your target filesystem for NFS access.

Note! This command requires you to have administrator priviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue
/home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm- already NFS exported, skipping..

 * Stopping NFS kernel daemon                                                                                                 [ OK ]
 * Unexporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...                                                                           [ OK ]
 * Exporting directories for NFS kernel daemon...                                                                             [ OK ]
 * Starting NFS kernel daemon                                                                                                 [ OK ]
Which directory do you want to be your tftp root directory?(if this directory does not exist it will be created for you)
[ /tftpboot ]

This step will set up the tftp server in the /tftpboot directory.

Note! This command requires you to have administrator priviliges (sudo access)
on your host.
Press return to continue

/tftpboot already exists, not creating..

/tftpboot/zImage-am335x-evm.bin already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(r) rename (o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[r] o

Successfully overwritten zImage-am335x-evm.bin in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-boneblack.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-boneblack.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-bone.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-bone.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-bonegreen.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-bonegreen.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-evm.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-evm.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-evmsk.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-evmsk.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/tftpboot/am335x-icev2.dtb already exists. The existing installed file can be renamed and saved under the new name.
(o) overwrite (s) skip copy
[o] o

Successfully overwritten am335x-icev2.dtb in tftp root directory /tftpboot

/etc/xinetd.d/tftp already exists..
/tftpboot already exported for TFTP, skipping..

Restarting tftp server
xinetd stop/waiting
xinetd start/running, process 7651

This step will set up minicom (serial communication application) for
SDK development

For boards that contain a USB-to-Serial converter on the board such as:
    * BeagleBone
    * Beaglebone Black
    * AM335x EVM-SK
    * AM57xx EVM
    * K2H, K2L, and K2E EVMs

the port used for minicom will be automatically detected. By default Ubuntu
will not recognize this device. Setup will add a udev rule to
/etc/udev/ so that from now on it will be recognized as soon as the board is
plugged in.

For other boards, the serial will defualt to /dev/ttyS0. Please update based
on your setup.


NOTE: If your using any of the above boards simply hit enter
and the correct port will be determined automatically at a
later step.  For all other boards select the serial port
that the board is connected to.
Which serial port do you want to use with minicom?
[ /dev/ttyS0 ] /dev/ttyUSB1

Copied existing /home/teklike/.minirc.dfl to /home/teklike/.minirc.dfl.old

Configuration saved to /home/teklike/.minirc.dfl. You can change it further from inside
minicom, see the Software Development Guide for more information.

This step will set up the U-Boot variables for booting the EVM.

Autodetected the following ip address of your host, correct it if necessary
[ ]

Select Linux kernel location:
 1: TFTP
 2: SD card

[ 1 ] 1

Select root file system location:
 1: NFS
 2: SD card

[ 1 ] 1

Available kernel images in /tftproot:

Which kernel image do you want to boot from TFTP?
[ zImage-am335x-evm.bin ]
Would you like to create a minicom script with the above parameters (y/n)?
[ y ] y

Successfully wrote /home/teklike/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-

A BeagleBone (Black) or StarterKit board has been detected
Do you want to configure U-Boot for one of the boards mentioned
above? An answer of 'n' will configure U-Boot for the
General Purpose EVM instead
(y/n) y

Detecting connection to board...
Would you like to run the setup script now (y/n)? For the general purpose evm
you must now connect the RS-232 cable to your evm now. For the Beaglebone (Black)
or StarterKit this step should of already have been done. Also connect the ethernet
cable as described in the Quick Start Guide.
Once answering 'y' on the prompt below you will have 300 seconds to turn on the
board or if it was already on reboot the board before the setup times out

After successfully executing this script, your board will be set up. You will be
able to connect to it by executing 'minicom -w' or if you prefer a windows host
you can set up Tera Term as explained in the Software Developer's Guide.
If you connect minicom or Tera Term and power cycle the board Linux will boot.

[ y ] y

Welcome to minicom 2.7

Compiled on Jan  1 2014, 17:13:19.
Port /dev/ttyUSB1, 14:36:26

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys


CTRL-A Z for help | 115200 8N1 | NOR | Minicom 2.7   VT102 | Offline | ttyUSB1    

  • Hi Bashir,

    It seems that the script has configured your environment correctly.

    Seeng CCCCC on your debug console, means that the device is expecting you to sent the MLO & U-boot via x-modem. If I am not mistaken, you need to use ctrl + a then press s this will invoke sending the boot images (u-boot-spl.bin & x-modem) through x-modem. After that from u-boot prompt you need to perform the tftp boot or however you like to boot the BBB.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Yordan,

    Thanks, greatly appreciate your help. I understand the basic principle of sending  the MLO ( xloader) followed by the UBoot via xmodem.

    However, I was wondering, since the setup script has put he MLO and the Uboot in the BSP folder, and the target File system in "target/NFS", on the Linux host, then, if the BBB is set up so that it does not boot to the eMMC, then it can get the MLO and the UBoot, from where the has put these, using tftp. And then of ofcourse the Kernel via tftp. 

    I am basing this "theory" on this excerpt from the guide: Processor SDK Linux Setup Script, which has the following paragraph:


    BeagleBone Black Users

    To run the SDK's setup scripts the following cables are required to be connected to the BeagleBone Black and your Linux PC. Please ensure both are connected before following any of the steps in this guide.

    Clearing the eMMC

    The BeagleBone Black includes an eMMC device on it which comes pre-flashed with an Angstrom distribution. Because eMMC is the default boot mode for this board we need to prevent it from being able to boot by either removing or renaming the MLO.

    To do this you will need to wipe out the MLO file stored in the eMMC.

    To eliminate the MLO first boot up the board with the USB mini cable connected to the board and your PC. Once the Angstrom kernel loads your host will mount the eMMC boot partition on your Linux host under /media/BEAGLEBONE. You can then erase or rename the MLO file here. You can also login to the BeagleBone Black and rename or remove /boot/MLO (e.g., mv /boot/MLO /boot/OLDMLO).

    Once the above steps are completed you can follow the remaining steps on this guide to execute the setup script.


    I have removed the Linux SD card from BBB, so I was hoping, the board would boot the network, as the alternative (and find the MLO and UBoot, and Linux Kernel where the had put it..

    The MLO and UBoot are located on my linux host as below:

    teklike@bashir-HP-EliteBook-8460p:~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-$ ls
    api    common     doc       fs       lib          Makefile  README     u-boot      u-boot-dtb.bin
    arch  drivers   include  Licenses     MLO       scripts          test          u-boot.bin  u-boot-dtb.img  u-boot-nodtb.bin
    board  configs    dts       Kbuild   MAINTAINERS  net       snapshot.commit  TISDK-README  u-boot.cfg  u-boot.img      u-boot.srec
    cmd    disk       examples  Kconfig  MAKEALL      post      spl              tools         u-boot.dtb      u-boot.sym
    teklike@bashir-HP-EliteBook-8460p:~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am335x-evm-$ ls spl
    arch   cmd     disk     dts  include  u-boot-spl      u-boot-spl.cfg
    board  common  drivers  fs   lib      u-boot-spl.bin  u-boot-spl-nodtb.bin

    Am I just imagining those connections and the more straight forward way is to do what you have suggested (Send the MLO  and u-boot-spl.bin via xmodem)?

    Best regards


  • I tried to send the MLO via xmodem using minicom from the Linux host. Since I have not been able to boot the target (BBB) as yet, I cannot follow through what minicom is asking. Below is command exchange:

    Sending /home/teklike/MLO, 605 blocks: Give your local XMODEM|
    | receive command now.

    As such the system times out, without sending the command.