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AM5728: Can't compile the DSS example from PDK

Part Number: AM5728
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDSEVM572X

I am using GCC 4.9 2015q2.

We need to have a display support in our AM5728-based product with the custom OS, so I need to figure out how to get the display module working and I am trying to compile the DSS example from PDK 1.0.6. It does not compile:

E:\TI_PDK~1\PDK_AM~1\packages\ti\drv\vps\examples\dss\displayDss>gmake BUILD_PROFILE=debug

PDK_AM~1/packages/ti/binary/ti/drv/vps/src/devices/obj/tda2xx/m4/debug -fc src/bsp_device.c
"src\bsp_devicePriv.h", line 73: fatal error: cannot open source file "ti/drv/bsp_lld/i2c/bsp_i2c.h"
1 catastrophic error detected in the compilation of "src/bsp_device.c".
Compilation terminated.

File "ti/drv/bsp_lld/i2c/bsp_i2c.h" is actually missing in the PDK. It gets included in bsp_devicePriv.h conditionally:
72: #if !defined (VPS_TI_RTOS_I2C)
73: #include <ti/drv/bsp_lld/i2c/bsp_i2c.h>
74: #endif

Seems like one can define VPS_TI_RTOS_I2C by providing the SOC=am572x (ti\drv\vps\ handles it), but

E:\TI_PDK~1\PDK_AM~1\packages\ti\drv\vps\examples\dss\displayDss>gmake BUILD_PROFILE=debug SOC=am572x

causes linking errors.

So, how do I build the DSS example to run it on X-15 board? Or maybe there is a better example of how one should set up the display on bare metal?

  • Question: are you using X15 from or are you using our TMDSEVM572x?
  • We have both. Is there some important difference between them?
  • I have answered your question; is there a chance you will answer mine?
  • John,
    X15 was developed by and TMDSEVM572x was developed by TI. We only support our EVM. You can find our EVM design files in the EVM product folder and perhaps you can compare both...
  • I meant - my original question, about non-compiling DSS example from PDK.

    I was thinking that TMDSEVM572x and X-15 are the same, except for revision number. But as I said, we have both boards.
    So far it does not even compile.
  • John,
    OK, I will let our apps team reply to your question. they should post comments soon.
  • Hi,

    The build procedure for VPS examples (including DSS example) are provided in

    I just tried latest Processor SDK 3.3, I have no issue to build them.

    • cd <pdk>/packages
    • pdksetupenv.bat
    • make vps

    The output is at pdk_am57xx_1_0_6\packages\ti\binary\vps_examples_displayDss\bin:

    • evmAM572x
    • idkAM572x

    Regards, Eric

  • Thank you! I successfully compiled the DSS example (and other examples) in Release.

    Sounds like I need CCS connected in order to run this example? So far it says

    **** PDK SBL ****
    **** Copying Application Image to DDR ****

     SD Boot - file open completed successfully

     MPU CPU0 image load completed
    Jumping to MPU CPU0 Application...

    and hangs. Is there a way to use it without CCS? Like load tigf files from the SD card?

    By the way, I could not build in debug mode. I was trying

    E:\TI_PDK~1\PDK_AM~1\packages>gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug BOARD=evmAM572x CORE=a15
    E:\TI_PDK~1\PDK_AM~1\packages>gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug BOARD=evmAM572x
    E:\TI_PDK~1\PDK_AM~1\packages>gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug

    and none of them compiles. I suspect I again do something improperly.

  • Hi,

    The example is CCS based, you need CCS/JTAG connect to the core, load and run. Then there is UART/CCS console prompt to ask you input the video files for display.

    For build in debug mode, there is no problem for me. I just tried "gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug", I saw the code is compiling, it will take time to finish.

    Regards, Eric
  • We've obtained the XDS200 debugger, got CCS 6.2 and tried to run the DSS example. It starts, outputs some build and board info:

    Build time            : [17:36:11 May 10 2017]
    FVID2 Version         : [FVID_02_01_00_01]
    BSP Version           : [BSP_01_08_00_xx]
    Platform              : [EVM]
    SOC                   : [AM572X]
    SOC Revision          : [ES2.0]
    FT Revision           : [5]
    Package               : [UNKNOWN]
    Core                  : [A15]
    Board Detected        : [AM572X GP EVM]
    EEPROM Base Board Name: [AM572PM_]
    Base Board Revision   : [REV A]
    Daughter Card Revision: [REV A]

    and then hangs on polling the PLL_STATUS register (0x58004304, DPLL_VIDEO1_MAIN_L3). The PLLCTRL_RESET_DONE is always 0 and processor loops inside the function PMHALVideopllConfigure():

    file pmhal_videopll.c:
    292: do
    293: {
    294:     videopllStatus =
    295:         PMHALVideopllGetResetStatus(videopllId);
    296: } while (0 == videopllStatus);

    videopllStatus is always 0, so seems like PLL never comes out of reset. Entire PLL_STATUS register is read as 0.

    I'm reminding that we are using the TMDSEVM572x board with LCD module plugged in and PDK 1.0.6. Any suggestions about what might be wrong and how to fix it?

    "gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug" still does not work for us. After some time of the building process, it ends up with an error.

  • I am still hoping to get an answer how to fix it.
  • I ran it from CCS via JTAG and it hangs, waiting for video PLL reset. See my post at May 18, 2017 10:34 PM.
    Can you suggest what might be wrong?
  • Hi,

    I recall you can build it in release mode. Correct? For the .out file, I tested it on AM571x IDK EVM with A15 core yesterday, it worked fine. Let me find a AM572x GP EVM and test DSS example, and try if I can build in debug mode.

    Regards, Eric
  • Correct, I was able to build in release. Just in case I am attaching my .out file.

    Thanks, I appreciate your help.


  • Hi,

    I tested AM572x GP EVM, which has a LCD display mounted. I run the A15 DSS release build, I didn't have any problem. Do you use the GEL to intialize the EVM? Below is my CCS GEL log:

    IcePick_D: GEL Output: Ipu RTOS is released from Wait-In-Reset.

    IcePick_D: GEL Output: Ipu SIMCOP is released from Wait-In-Reset.

    IcePick_D: GEL Output: IVAHD C66 is released from Wait-In-Reset.

    IcePick_D: GEL Output: IVAHD ICONT1 is released from Wait-In-Reset.

    IcePick_D: GEL Output: IVAHD ICONT2 is released from Wait-In-Reset.

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: --->>> CONFIGURE DEBUG DPLL settings to 1.9 GHZs <<<---

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: > Setup DebugSS 1.9GHz in progress...

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: < Done with Setup DebugSS Trace export clock (TPIU) to 97MHz

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: < Done with Setup DebugSS PLL Clocking 1.9GHz

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: < Done with Setup DebugSS ATB Clocking 380MHz

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: < Done with Setup DebugSS Trace export clock (TPIU) to 97MHz

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: --->>> TURNING ON L3_INSTR and L3_3 clocks required for debug instrumention <<<<<<----

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: ---<<< L3 instrumentation clocks are enabled >>>> ---

    CS_DAP_DebugSS: GEL Output: --->>> Mapping TIMER supsend sources to default cores <<<<<<----

    CS_DAP_PC: GEL Output: Cortex-A15 1 is not in WIR mode so nothing to do.

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x GP EVM <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x Target Connect Sequence Begins ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> I2C Init <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x Begin MMC2 Pad Configuration <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x End MMC2 Pad Configuration <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x PG2.0 GP device <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRCM Clock Configuration for OPPNOM in progress... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Cortex A15 DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Cortex A15 DPLL is already locked, now unlocking...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Cortex A15 DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: IVA DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: IVA DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PER DPLL OPP 0 clock config in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PER DPLL already locked, now unlocking

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PER DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: CORE DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: CORE DPLL OPP already locked, now unlocking....

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: CORE DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: ABE DPLL OPP 0 clock config in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: ABE DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: GMAC DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: GMAC DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: GPU DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: GPU DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DSP DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DSP DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PCIE_REF DPLL OPP 0 clock config is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PCIE_REF DPLL OPP 0 is DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRCM Clock Configuration for OPP 0 is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRCM Configuration for all modules in progress... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRCM Configuration for all modules is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DDR3 Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DDR DPLL clock config for 532MHz is in progress...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DDR DPLL clock config for 532MHz is in DONE!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Launch full leveling

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Updating slave ratios in PHY_STATUSx registers

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: as per HW leveling output

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: HW leveling is now disabled. Using slave ratios from

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PHY_STATUSx registers

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Launch full leveling

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Updating slave ratios in PHY_STATUSx registers

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: as per HW leveling output

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: HW leveling is now disabled. Using slave ratios from

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: PHY_STATUSx registers

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: Two EMIFs in interleaved mode - (2GB total)

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DDR3 Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> Mapping TIMER suspend sources to default cores <<<<<<----

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU1SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU1SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU2SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU2SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP1SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Checking for data integrity in DSPSS L2RAM ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Data integrity check in GEM L2RAM is sucessful!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP1SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP2SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Checking for data integrity in DSPSS L2RAM ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Data integrity check in GEM L2RAM is sucessful!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP2SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IVAHD Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IVAHD Initialization is DONE! ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRUSS 1 and 2 Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRUSS 1 and 2 Initialization is in complete ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> AM572x Target Connect Sequence DONE !!!!! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> Mapping TIMER suspend sources to default cores <<<<<<----

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU1SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU1SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU2SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IPU2SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP1SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Checking for data integrity in DSPSS L2RAM ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Data integrity check in GEM L2RAM is sucessful!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP1SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP2SS Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Checking for data integrity in DSPSS L2RAM ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Data integrity check in GEM L2RAM is sucessful!

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> DSP2SS Initialization is DONE! <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IVAHD Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: DEBUG: Clock is active ...

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> IVAHD Initialization is DONE! ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRUSS 1 and 2 Initialization is in progress ... <<<---

    CortexA15_0: GEL Output: --->>> PRUSS 1 and 2 Initialization is in complete ... <<<---

    Then, I loaded the out file and run:

    [CortexA15_0] DISP_DSS_APP: Sample Application - STARTS !!!

    *** VPDMA Firmware Loading... ***

    VPDMA Firmware Address = 0xa0011fc0

    VPDMA Load Address = 0x4897d004

    VPDMA Firmware Version = 0x4d0001b8

    VPDMA List Busy Status = 0x00000000

    *** VPDMA Firmware Load Success ***

    *** VPDMA Firmware Loading... ***

    VPDMA Firmware Address = 0xa0011fc0

    VPDMA Load Address = 0x4899d004

    VPDMA Firmware Version = 0x4d0001b8

    VPDMA List Busy Status = 0x00000000

    *** VPDMA Firmware Load Success ***

    *** VPDMA Firmware Loading... ***

    VPDMA Firmware Address = 0xa0011fc0

    VPDMA Load Address = 0x489bd004

    VPDMA Firmware Version = 0x4d0001b8

    VPDMA List Busy Status = 0x00000000

    *** VPDMA Firmware Load Success ***

    *** VPDMA Firmware Loading... ***

    VPDMA Firmware Address = 0xa0011fc0

    VPDMA Load Address = 0x489dd004

    VPDMA Firmware Version = 0x4d0001b8

    VPDMA List Busy Status = 0x00000000

    *** VPDMA Firmware Load Success ***

    Build time : [13:41:07 May 25 2017]

    FVID2 Version : [FVID_02_01_00_01]

    BSP Version : [BSP_01_08_00_xx]

    Platform : [EVM]

    SOC : [AM572X]

    SOC Revision : [ES2.0]

    FT Revision : [3]

    Package : [UNKNOWN]

    Core : [A15]

    Board Detected : [AM572X GP EVM]

    EEPROM Base Board Name: [AM572PM_]

    Base Board Revision : [REV A]

    Daughter Card Revision: [REV A]

    Load 4 YUV422I_YUYV video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x81600000

    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.

    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.

    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer

    loadRaw(0x81600000, 0, "C:\\display_yuyv422_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);


    Attached is my .out file.vps_examples_displayDss_a15_0_release.xa15fg

    Can you try if works on your setup? I tried yours, it went to main after load, then went away when I ran.

    Regards, Eric

  • I advanced further. Seems like my problem was GEL files - I was using them improperly, I applied them to the wrong core. Thanks for your GEL log, it showed me my problem.

    Now I am getting the message

    Load 4 YUV422I_YUYV video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x81600000
    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.
    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.
    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer
    loadRaw(0x81600000, 0, "C:\\display_yuyv422_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);

    sometimes it passes further and requests the second file as well:

    Load 4 YUV422I_YUYV video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x81600000
    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.
    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.
    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer
    loadRaw(0x81600000, 0, "C:\\display_yuyv422_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);
    Load 4 BGR24_888 video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x825d2000
    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.
    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.
    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer
    loadRaw(0x825d2000, 0, "C:\\display_bgr888_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);

    How I tried to load the files:
    1. Launch my target configuration.
    2. Select core a15_0 and pick up gpevm_am572x.gel for it.
    3. Connect to the core a15_0.
    4. Enter in the console two commands:
    No spaces between parameters and no semicolon at the end, per
    There is no feedback for such commands, so I waited some time after each to let it load these large files.
    5. Reset the CPU.
    6. Run/Load the .out file. It runs to the 'main' automatically.
    7. Resume the run.
    8. It outputs the request for loading file or files, but does nothing afterwards. If I hit "Suspend", stack trace shows that we are inside kernel function Task_exit().

    By the way - file name of the second display dump was incorrect.
    c:\ti\pdk_am57xx_1_0_6\packages\ti\drv\vps\docs\test_inputs\dss_input_files.rar contains file
    while suggested console command loads file
    So I renamed it.

    Not sure what happened when you ran my .out file. You say "it went to main after load, then went away when I ran", but what do you mean by "went away"?
    For me now your .out and my .out behave more or less in the same way. They request .tigf file or files and then do nothing regardless if I have loaded them previously via console.

  • Hi,

    1. Regarding the build in debug mode, I changed toplevel makefile under \packages to from "yes" to "no":

    $(MAKE) -C ./ti/drv/vps all DISABLE_RECURSE_DEPS="no"

    I have no issue to build with "gmake vps BUILD_PROFILE=debug"

    2. Regardsing the test file name, yes, the order of "rgb" is wrong

    3. How to test it:
    When you saw below from CCS or UART:
    Load 4 YUV422I_YUYV video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x81600000
    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.
    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.
    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer
    loadRaw(0x81600000, 0, "C:\\display_yuyv422_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);

    Please halt the core running the DSS, then open the CCS script console to type the above command to load the video.

    Then, run the core and press "enter" in the UART console, you will be asked to load the second video in CCS console and UART like:

    Load 4 BGR24_888 video frames of size 1920x1080 to location: 0x0x825d2000
    Trying to Load buffer from SD card.
    Couldnot Load buffer from SD card.
    waiting for 1 min to load buffer from scripting consolePress any key (in UART console) after loading buffer
    loadRaw(0x825d2000, 0, "C:\\display_bgr888_prog_packed_1920_1080.tigf", 32, false);

    Please halt the core and use CCS script console to load it again. After loading finished, run core again, press "enter" in UART console.

    You should see:

    DISP_DSS_APP: DispApp_init() - DONE !!!

    Select test to run as per below table:

    0: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> LCD
    1: DSS GFX (BGR888) -> DPI1 -> LCD
    2: DSS Video1 (YUV422I) + GFX (BGR888) -> DPI1 -> LCD
    3: DSS Video1,2 (YUV422I) + GFX (BGR888) -> DPI1 -> LCD
    4: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@1080P60
    5: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@480P60(TDM)
    6: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@720P60
    7: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@XGAP60
    8: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@XGAP60 (TDM)
    9: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> SIL9022A-HDMI@WXGAP60
    10: DSS Video1,2,3 (YUV422I) + GFX (BGR888) -> DPI1 -> LCD
    11: DSS Video2 (YUY422I) -> TV -> HDMI@1080P60
    12: DSS Video2 (YUY422I) -> TV -> HDMI@1080I60
    13: DSS Video1 (YUY422I) -> DPI1 -> LCD (RT Param Test)
    14: Auto Run

    100: EXIT

    Enter Test to Run (in UART console):

    Select the test no# you want to run.

    Regards, Eric
  • I finally learned what "scripting console" is. Thanks!

    What it "halt the core"? I would think that it is "Suspend" icon (Alt+F8). This is what I was trying to do.

    I launched, loaded the .gel file, connected to the core a15_0, loaded and ran your .out file.
    I waited until it asks me for a display dump file. I hit "Suspend" icon. Now I go to the scripting console, copy-paste the desired loadRaw() command, wait until it reads and loads the file. Then I hit "Resume" icon (F8) and code resumes execution. Now I can press Enter in Teraterm, or in Putty, or in CCS console (regular console, where UART output is duplicated into). Or I can wait for one minute or more - nothing happens. If I suspend again, stack trace shows that processor is in Task_exit() function.
  • DSS.docxHi,

    I attached a word document showing steps how I tested it, you can refer to it if anything missing in your side.

    Regards, Eric

  • I wasn't able to run the DSS example per your instructions. It might be that I was doing something wrong. My problem was that the function, which reads a character from UART, UART_readPolling_v1(), attempts to do it and if there is nothing to read, it waits for 1 ms and then attempts again and etc. But for me, function which waits, UART_osalDelay(), never returns. If suspended, stack trace shows processor inside Task_exit().
    I created a workaround. I commented out BspUtils_uartGetChar() call and placed a breakpoint on the following line. Then debugger hits the breakpoint and I load the bitmap via scripting console. And I did the similar thing for the code which asks user for test ID.
    This is how I got the DSS example working. I was able to see the video output on either the attached LCD or on HDMI.
    Debug build now also works after I have changed the makefile per your advice.
    Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.

    But now I have another problem.
    Our goal is to run this DSS example and figure out how to replicate all initializations and etc. and get the display working for our custom OS. We can't drag entire VPS driver (plus whatever it is dependent on) into our project. And so far we even cannot get the HDMI pixel clock running. We think that what we lack in order to get the pixel clock running, is the two bits in the CM_DSS_CLKSTCTRL register, bits 17 and 18. This register is a status register (read-only) and we must do something to get these two bits to become set. And I was trying to step through the DSS example source code and try lo locate, what particular action pops up these bits.
    And I found out that when I run the DSS example under JTAG debugger, these two bits are set once the processor hits main(). But when I run the very same example by itself, these two bits are off. So, there must be some artifact of the JTAG debugger being attached and apparently switching something on the processor.

    It might be that DSS example later invokes some driver calls, which reassures that these two bits pop up, but there is no way to figure it out as long as they are set from the beginning already.

    I did not 100% trust the "registers" subwindow in CCS and I read this register in code and output its value via UART:

    For the free-runnig DSS example, right after main():
    cm_dss_clkstctrl = 0x102

    For the DSS example, under debugger, right after main():
    cm_dss_clkstctrl = 0x61f02

    MLO is the same in both cases.

    So, how do we set bits 17 and 18 of the CM_DSS_CLKSTCTRL? We managed to set bits 9..12 (cm_dss_clkstctrl = 0x1f02), but it does not turn on the pixel clock after we call vpscore_dctrlHdmiPowerOn(). This is the function, which turns on the HDMI pixel clock as its last action.

  • Hi,

    The DSS example is intended to run with GEL file together, no MLO is used. When GEL is in place and you loaded the DSS program go main():. At this point 0x4A00_9100 = 0x0006_1F02. It is done by the GEL routine:

    - prcm_set_clkdomain_state(DSS_CM_CORE, DSS_CM_CORE__CM_DSS_CLKSTCTRL, SW_WKUP );

    I don't understand "free-runnig DSS example" with "MLO is the same in both cases." ====> if you don't run the GEL file and relies on MLO (Secondary Bootloader) for the DSS clock intialization. Then you need to add above two functions into MLO.

    Regards, Eric
  • Thank you. Now we managed to write our own simple display driver and it kinda works.
    What I want to report to TI:
    1. Function vpshal_HdmiComputePll() has issues. Its job is to compute the correct values of divisors for HDMI PLL for a given pixel clock frequency and the math is wrong, it does not yield correct values for all frequencies. Whoever wrote this functions already has noticed that and provided hard-coded values for a special case of a frequency 74.25 MHz. For our case (1024*768) of frequency is 65 MHz this function also malfunctions and calculated divisors result in frequency equal to 195 MHz. Incorrect value seems to be REGN; it is 10, while it must be 30.
    2. The HDMI_WP module is poorly documented. TI's driver is populating many registers of this module and they are defined in CSL, but documentation talks only about two registers, HDMI_WP_PWR_CTRL and HDMI_WP_CLK.
    3. HDMI_PHY module (0x58040300) seems to be not documented at all.

    Thank you one more time, information you have provided was of a great value for us.
  • Hi,

    Thanks very much for the feedback! I will look into the issue reported!

    Regards, Eric