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PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X: SPI syncronization


Customer need to synchronise two ICE Boards V2 via SPI (Profinet R1 redundancy)

From Processor SDK RTOS documentation QSPI-McSPI, he found that this pin connection is neccessary:



J3-Pin14(MIS0)------- J3-Pin16(MISO)

J3-Pin16(MOSI)------- J3-Pin14(MOSI)



In his main() he calls pin muxing routine Board_pinMuxConfig(iceV2Mux).


PINMUX_config iceV2Mux[] = {

             {CHIPDB_MOD_ID_GPIO,0,0},/*Configure used GPIO pins only*/










in  pdk_am335_1_0_6 he found this c-file:  main-mcspi_slave_mode.c.


- Is this code able to build up a connection between two ICE baords or is there another function to setup spi connection ?

-  Is his PINMUX_Config correct ?

  • Hi,

    The RTOS team have been notified. They will respond here.
  • Lali,

    any answers ?

    Meanwhile customer initiates  SPIObj type mcspiCfgObj_t  with values of master-mode and slave-mode for each board.

    (I will send you code separtely via email, see MCSPI_DEFAULT_MASTER MCSPI_DEFAULT_SLAVE).

    On ICE board is running SPITaskMasterBoard on other ICE Board SPITaskSlaveBoard (see source).

    He need to send a frame from master to slave and receive with slave (see source).

    SPI function is used from industrial_sdk\starterware\dal\mcspi.c

    What is running well so far:

    On ICE as SPI master with MCSPI_TRANSFER_MODE_TX_RX, /* txRxMode.*/ MCSPI_DATA_LINE_COMM_MODE_2, /* pinMode. */ ( rest of settings are unchanged see source: MCSPI_DEFAULT_MASTER) ,Frame from masterTxBuff[15] = { "Master-Test" } I can send and receive with ReciveData back.


    • Which settings he has to use on slave ICE board ?

    Until now slave is stucking in while loop:

    while(((MCSPIChStatus(mySpiObj->instAddr, mySpiObj->channelNum) & MCSPI_CHSTAT_RXS_MASK) == 0);

    • Are there any fundamental things cust has to mention to have a SPI master-slave connection between two ICE boards ?

    SOurce is sent by email.

  • DJ-NG,

    What code base was used to write the code? PDK MyExampleProjects?

    I assume you are aware that we have an ICEv2 McSPI Master and slave example in the latest PDK which can be used in a board-board setting?




  • Hey Lali,

    I use the code from the industrial_sdk\starterware/dal/mcspi.c

    My problem is I am nor sure which settings I have to use for mastermode and for slavemode to transmit and receive data.

    Best regards


  • Felix,

    Were you able to resolve your issues and get the correct settings?
