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FAQ: What is the MTBF and FIT for the AIC23?

The maximum resolution of the ADC and DAC internal digital filters are 24 bits within the AIC23. Data can be received and output at 16, 20, 24 and 32 bits but internally it treats all data as 24 bits. There are a few sceneries I will try to describe on how the ADC and DAC digital filters process the data: 1) The ADC is programmed to receive 16 or 20 bits then the LSB is stripped from the 24 bit data. 2) The ADC is programmed to output 32 bits then it packs the LSBs with zero. 3) The DAC is programmed to receive to 16 or 20 bits then it packs the LSBs with zero. 4) The DAC is programmed to receive 32 bits then it strips the LSBs. The Right-justified mode does not support 32 bits.