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FAQ: When I write a 0x1FF to register 0001111 (RESET), the AIC23 responds with an ACK. But when I follow this command by writing a 0x000 to register 0001111 the AIC23 responds with a NACK. Note that I defined the AIC23 data using 3 HEX bits. This is to emp

In order to accomplish a RESET you must write the following sequence: 0x34 0x1E 0x00 Where: 0x34 = IIC Address. 0x1E = the RESET Register Address shifted left one bit because the MSB of the Data is placed into the LSB of the address. 0x00 = the lower 8 bits of the data is to represent a RESET. To summarize, never write anything except 0?s to the RESET register.