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Saw tooth with DAC3484EVM and ZedBoard


I am currently interfacing my ZedBoard with your DAC 3484 EVM. And was trying now to send a simple saw tooth signal to the DAC via GUI software.

The result is not really a saw tooth (see image).

My PLL is locked. And I am using LVDS 2.5V instead of LVDS 1.8 because my FPGA board supports only LVDS 2.5V.

Do you have any idea what my is going wrong?

Thank you.

Warm regards,


  • Hi Serdar,

    This is mainly due to the DAC output being transformer coupled. The transformer has a bandpass response and will only pass high frequency transitions but not steady DC levels. You may need to adjust your DAC output with resistive termination for correct all pass response.

    See attached app note for some options

  • Hi Kang,

    Thank you for helping. 

    So if I use a sine waveform instead of a saw tooth, do you think  I would get correct output results?


    Warm regards,


  • Serdar,

    The sine wave has to be 5MHz and above to overcome the higher pass response corner. Otherwise the sine wave may be attenuated. You may check the mini-circuits transformer datasheet for detail:


  • I was sending a sine wave to channel A and zeros to Channel B, C and D. But I get analog output data on all 4 channels (see image).

    It seems like there is a timing issue or a synchronization problem. I really don't know why this happens, maybe you have an idea.

    My simple setup: 

    - sending 16 bit LVDS_25 DDR data, 100Mhz clock and a SYNC signal to the DAC

    - the FPGA is not capturing any signal from the DAC

    I attached also my dac settings. i can not see any error. i would appreciate any kind suggestions how to solve my problem.  

    Thank you very much.

    - data sending vhdl code:

    DATA_behav: process(CLK_WIZ, RESET)
    if (RESET = '1' ) then 
        ODDR_IN_BD <= (others=>'0');
        ODDR_IN_AC <= (others=>'0');
        togle <= '0';
    elsif (rising_edge(CLK_WIZ) )  then 
     if (RESET_LOCK = '1') then
       togle <= not togle;
       if (togle= '1')then     
        ODDR_IN_AC <= sine_wave_gen;
        ODDR_IN_BD <= (others=>'0');
       ODDR_IN_AC <= (others=>'0');
       ODDR_IN_BD <= (others=>'0');
       end if; 
     end if;   
    end if;
    end process;

    - SYNC signal vhdl code:

    SYNC_behav: process(CLK_WIZ, RESET)
    if (RESET = '1' ) then 
        count_sync <= (others=>'0');
        SYNC <= '0';
    elsif (rising_edge(CLK_WIZ))  then 
    if (RESET_LOCK = '1') then
        if(count_sync = "111") then
           SYNC <= '1';
           count_sync <= (others=>'0');      
            count_sync <= count_sync + 1;
            SYNC <= '0';
        end if;
     end if;   
    end if;
    end process;



  • Hi Serdar,

    You may want to use the DAC's build in pattern checker function to check for setup hold timing. There are internal LVDS delays that can help you get to the right setup/hold time and proper bit error rate.
