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2nd Watch Window

Is there a way to set up a second Watch window? ... Code Composer 4.

  • Hello,

    while you can open a second view, these will not be independent.  What that means is that you can not watch one set of variables in one and other variables in another.  They will always both show the same. 

    Hope this helps clarify.

    Best Regards,

  • It would be good if this feature were added to Code Composer.  Visual Studio gives the option of displaying up to four Watch windows.

  • Yes. Try the following steps. It will be clear to see the attached screenshot.


    1) In the local toolbar of an expression view, click open new view.

    2) if you want an instance of the view to 'stick' to a particular debug context, click 'Pin to Debug Context' in the local toolbar of the view instance. Once you have the view instance pinned to a particular debug context, you can find a description right under the local toolbar specifying which context is tied to. It is obvious that a non-pinned view instance will tie to an 'active' debug context, whichever is currently highlighted in the debug view.

    You can do the 'open new view' and 'pin to debug context' for expression view, variables view, and register view.

    A little difference between ccsv5 vs ccsv4 is that, the list of expressoins in all expression view instances in v5 is 'global', while the list of expressions in v4 is local. Either the list is 'global' or 'local' per view instance, the value for each expressoin is evaluated for the 'pinned' debug context (if pinned) or the active debug context (if not pinned).

    There is pros and cons of a 'global' list:

    You don't have to type the same list of expressions for each view instance in v5 but you have to do so in v4.

    The little drawback is that, if an expression symbol does not exist in a particualr debug context, you will see 'identifier not found' in its value cell. If you have a bunch of expressions that don't exists, you may find the view instance pretty crowded with 'useless' info. I agree, this is somthing I should look at to improve.


  • You can have any number as you want in v5.

  • I don't see an option to view Expressions in Code Composer 4.

    How does one set the default for the Local window and Watch window to be decimal instead of hex?

  • Watch window in v4 is Expressions view in v5. Similarly, Local window in v4 is Variables View in v5.

    To change default format in v4, go to main menu, select Window->Preference menu item, it will open a dialog. In the dialog, browse to C/C++ Debug as shown below, where you can select one format for Local and another format for Watch.

    You can do a similar step to control format for v5.