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SOLVED - Linux CCS 5.3 + TI XDS100v2 USB Emulator/CortexA8 Debug configuration

Initially, I've done thee steps in the Debugger mode (TMDXEVM8148 board):
1. Set Target Device: Texas Instruments XDS100v2 USB/Emulator/CortexA8
3. Scripts->IO Expansion Application Board Initialization->IOEXP_LCD_interposer_Backlight

The Scripts option now shows:
2. Scripts->DM8148 System_Initialization->ALL_ADPLL_CLOCKS_ENABLE_API
3. No longer available

What is happening to item #3?

 Solved: Loading the Mistral GEL file, PG2.1_DM814X_20Mhz_Si.gel.gel, and the Scripts now shows the GEL for item #3.

