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Project rebuilding takes excessively long

Hi experts,

I am using CCS 5.5 (C6000 codegen tools v7.6.0) for building our project, which consist of a main executable project and 15 dependent static libraries. I was wondering if it is perhaps possible to somehow shorten the rebuilding time when doing development. Currently it can take up to 3-4 minutes to perform a rebuild when only making changes to a single source file. This is due to every dependent project first being checked for changes. Although this checking is necessary and to be expected, I do feel it takes much longer than it should, especially since I am using an i7 processor and have lots of RAM on my PC.

Since the static libraries are inter-dependent, I cannot simply remove them as dependent projects from the main project.

Is there anything else I can do to improve the rebuilding time?

  • ReinierC said:
    I am using CCS 5.5 (C6000 codegen tools v7.6.0) for building our project, which consist of a main executable project and 15 dependent static libraries.

    If there are 15+ projects being rebuilt each time, I wouldn't consider 3-4 minutes as excessively long ( it depends on the size of the projects, of course). Do you already have parallel builds enabled?

    If building from command line is an option for you, that could potentially be faster and avoid some of the overhead that comes with the CCS GUI.

  • Hi AartiG,

    Sorry for the belated response...

    Yes, I am using parallel builds.

    The thing is, some of my colleagues are still using CCS 3.3 to work on legacy projects of more less the same size, and although CCS 5.5 by far outperforms CCS 3.3 in terms of overall build time from scratch (a clean build), CCS 5.5 is actually slower for incremental builds. This makes development quite a pain since I have to wait a couple of minutes to build the project, even-though I only changed a single line of code in one of the files in the main project. Fortunately it is not as bad for the static libraries, which are dependent projects.

    I have tried command line building, but its a bit inconvenient for debugging compiler issues.

    Is there anything else I can try?

  • The latest problem I have is that large parts of my project are recompiled with *every* debug session, even if nothing was edited, i.e. no source files edited, no project settings changed. In fact, one of my largest projects are cleaned and compiled, only to be again recompiled in the same session, i.e. its compiled twice for the same debug session! What on earth is going on here??

    If I just simply build this project it won't recompile these parts of the project, but as soon as I debug the recompilation occurs.

    This is very frustrating...

  • *bump* ... I just want to check if there has been any progress on my questions?