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Trace Function Execution Graph Questions / Requests

I'm playing with / trying to use the Function Execution Graph in CCSv6 and haven't been able to figure out how to do the following.   These things that I'd like to do are just based on my prior experience with what trace viewers (mostly waveform) can do so they may not be able to be done today.  If they are then would be good to know how.  If not then maybe fodder for enhancements...

  • I have been getting execution graphs with large numbers of rows (functions) however they are sparsely populated - some functions don't seem to even show up in the area of trace that I am viewing.  What I'd like to do is rearrange the ordering of the rows / functions in the viewer so that the picture is clearer.   For example if there is a background task at the top of the list and interrupt handlers at the bottom, instead of large vertical jumps I might want to move the interrupt handlers 'up' and compress the area of interest.  I also might like to arrange the rows in a particular order to illustrate a behavior.  This could even be for documentation purposes or for a presentation.     So far I've only seen how to turn on/off rows but not to reorder them.
  • Is there any way to put two cursors in the execution graph and zoom into what is between them.  I can get one cursor.  Or otherwise to control the zoom level aside from what is provided with the +/- magnifier options.    The reason for this is that +/- magnifiers don't make you 'scroll' left and right rather than just pointing or marking an area of interest and looking at it up close.
  • Sometimes on a huge trace I'd like to put a cursor on a particular row / function and then navigate forward or backward in the trace to the next point where that function becomes active.  I'd make the analogy to a waveform viewer where you pick a signal and can click on it and ask the viewer to scroll to the next or previous 'edge' on that waveform.

Then there are a few quirks that I'm seeing:

  1) I tried to change the X axis to time to see what this would do by right clicking, selecting Display Properties and the Appearance tab, and the Axes Display format for X to "Time" - that changed the axis to 'ns' from cycles but I have not been able to change it back to cycles again.  I wanted to do this to see if the scaling from cycles to ns was done based on my CPU clock of 3ns/cycle but couldn't figure this out because I can't get it back to cycles.

2) The Display Properties State/Event Categories tab shows 'Main' and 'Function' as both being visible.  The 'Function' tab though is the only one that seems to affect (ie. change color or style of line) the graph.  The same info appears to be duplicated in both tabs though.   Not able to make sense of what the intended use model is for these two rows.

3) likewise there is an Icon option that doesn't seem to do anything.

4) on the "Channels" screen there is an 'order' column and a move up and down control -- so perhaps this is what is supposed to allow some of the control that I asked for in first bullet - but it only shows "Function'" here one entry and doesn't allow you to drill into the function names on this tab.  On the State/Event Categories tab it does but then they can't be moved and the order can't be changed on this tab.