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Use a library without copying into project directory?


Version: CCSv6

I'm writing an LCD library in CCS (1) and I want to use that library in another project in CCS (2). The library is a .h and .c file. I have listed the directory where the LCD library is in my project (2)'s include list in the build settings. However, the project refuses to build unless the files are in the same directory as the project itself (unresolved symbols error).

I do not want to link the .lib file, as I'm constantly modifying the library, as well as there are some #defines which are needed at compile time. 

I would also not like to 'link resources' method (i.e. dragging the files to the project directory and linking them).

edit: I just realised the above still yields the same error as putting the file in the include list.

What's the reason that CCS cannot compile my library if it resides in another directory, and how can I make it compile?


  • Hi Thimira,

    I hope you've included the directory address in the Include Path option available in Project Properties. Actually you can simply use copy and paste options for copying libraries to your project.

