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How to run all core at same time in debugging


There are three c6671 on my board.

I want to debug all three c6671 at the same time. All EMU signals of emulator are connected to each c6671 in parallel and JTAG signals are connected as daisy-chain.

According design guide for KeyStone, I can run/halt synchronously with these signal connection.

I did 'Connect Target' to three c6671 and loaded simple SRIO loopback example code.

However, I couldn't click 'Resume' when I selected over two cores.

The target configuration is '4213.3_C6671_SD560v2USB.ccxml' which was uploaded in

Emulator I am using is xds560v2 stm from spectrum digital. (connection: usb)


Let me know how to apply 'global breakpoints, synchronous run/halt' on my board