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Inquire about tms320c542 processor

I have CIC 500 DSP Development and Experiment system on which tms320c542 Dsp processor use so I want to know that CCS v6.1 support Tms320c542. If not so please tell me about compatibility mode so I can use above system or give me some solution how to use this system using CCS 




Abdul Wahab

  • C54x support was removed in CCS 6. CCSv5.5 is the last CCS version to support C54x. See

    Therefore, CCS 6.1 is not suitable.

    The TMS320C542 is an old obsolete device (datasheet last revised 1999) and while CCS 5.5 does have support for C54x devices, CCS 5.5 doesn't list the TMS320C542 device. Therefore, not sure if CCS 5.5 is suitable.

  • Thank you very much for your reply
    I know the name of the software which support tms320c542 is "C54x code explorer" by go Dsp corporation I searched for it but i didn't find so if you find link of it then please tell me or any other software which support tms320c542 whether it is in assembly language because I need to run it I dont have any other development board so please tell me if you find software for it

    Abdul Wahab
  • CCSv5.5 will work with C542. If it does not appear in the default list of devices, a custom target configuration can be created for it.

    C54x Code Explorer is a version of the old Code Composer, the predecessor of Code Composer Studio. GO-DSP was a 3rd party of TI that was eventually acquired by TI in the late '90s.
