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C5517 EVM + CCS (Error - - XDS510 USB Emulator not connected/enumerate)

Hello CCS Forum,

I have run into problems when connecting C5517 EVM and code composer. I follow these steps:

  1. The jumpers and switches are set according to: C5517EVM Quick Start Guide
  2. Code composer Studio 5.5.0 is installed
  3. USB cable connect PC (with code composer) and C5517EVM
  4. USB driver automatically installed                                    
  5. Chip support library downloaded according to: C55XCSL-LOWPOWER-3.04.00_Installation_Guide
  6. CCXML file opened (CC5517EVM_Onboard_Emulator.ccxml)
  7. Emulator and board are selected (Spectrum Digital XDS510USB Emulator - EVM5517)
  8. GEL file is selected (C5517.gel)
  9. Configuration is saved
  10. Connection is tested receiving this error message:


Execute the command:

%ccs_base%/emulation/drivers/sdjtag.exe - f %boarddatafile% -v - X reset -X scantest


** BoardFilePath: ...

** Resetting Emulator

ERROR -- XDS510-USB Emulator not connected/enumerated


Could you help to solve the problem?

Thank you.