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How to backup or copy a sample project in CCS6

Hi there,

working with BLE sample projects and after modifying them to my customers application I need to know how I can create a backup which can be imported by another CCS installation on another computer beeing complete with all dependencies and files.

Thank you for all help

  • Hello Ralph,
    Are you looking to back up just the project itself (as in the project metadata files and not all the source files added to it)? Or do you want to back up everything, including all dependent source and other files used to build?

  • Absolutely everything, complete to the last bit.
  • BLE projects are a bit tricky since most (if not all) of the source files are links and uses many include search paths.

    One option is to export the project to an archive:

    You can get the project + all source (added or linked) added to a archive. There are several limitations with this technique. The first is that any header files that are part of the project and referenced by the project via include search paths will not be added to the archive. So if you modified some header files that are being pulled in via include search paths, and you want then backed up, they will not be in that archive. Another issue is that an Eclipse bug was introduced in the version before CCSv5 where the archive doesn't preserve the links but instead converts the links into physical copies inside the project folder. Finally, another issue I can think of is that the BLE projects are pretty complex, using build variables, linked resources, environment variables, etc. It is doubtful that you can simply import that archive on another system and build it out of the box. There is likely some hand tweaking required to the project before it will build. But you are mostly concerned about backing up the source files liked to the project, this option may still be useful.

    The other option is more crude... but effective. Back up the whole BLE SDK source tree. Less efficient but at least you know you have everything in there.