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CCS: Compiling/Linking gstreamer Application in CCS6.2

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I want to develop a gstreamer application in CCS6.2. From the command line I can compile and link my application with gstreamer with the following steps:

1. source the environment setup script: 

source ~/ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm-

2. Compile and Link: 

arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc -Wall helloworld.c -o helloworld $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-1.0)

Sourcing the environment-setup script is necessary so that pkg-config finds the correct information about gstreamer libraries for ARM.

Now I want to compile out of CCS6.2. Where in CCS do I have to set the options shown above?

Thanks and have a nice day


  • Marc,

    I have never done this, but here are my initial ideas:

    - Create a C/C++ standard Eclipse project in CCS by following the steps shown at:

    - Add the file helloworld.c to the Project tree

    - Pass any relevant options to the compiler and linker options

    - Source the environment. This is the point where I am most unsure how Eclipse/CCS will handle it. The IDE inherits system environment variables which affect how projects are built. In this case, I would source the environment before running CCS to guarantee that all variables are set.

    Hopefully this would be enough to build your code, but I will try to think about additional details and report back.

    Hope this helps,