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CCS/SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK: How to debug multiple projects of OAD on-chip in same debugging session?

Part Number: SIMPLELINK-CC2640R2-SDK

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am using CC2640R2 chip. OAD on-chip functionality has been added to my project "PepePeripheral".

As part of post-build actions of my project, bim.hex, oad_target_app.hex, oad_target_stack.hex and pepe.hex has been given as input to OAD_image_tool

This gave me unified hex file which when flashed, flashes BIM + image A + image B (my appl) in my hardware

${TI_BLE_SDK_BASE}/tools/blestack/oad/oad_image_tool PepePeripheral_cc2640r2lp_app.hex -t onchip -i app --imgVer 0 --usrId BBBB -m 0x7000 --r 0x7000 -o ${ProjName}_imageB.hex -ob ${ProjName}_imageB.bin
${TI_BLE_SDK_BASE}/tools/blestack/oad/oad_image_tool ../bim_oad_onchip_cc2640r2lp_app.hex ../oad_target_cc2640r2lp_app.hex ../oad_target_cc2640r2lp_stack.hex PepePeripheral_cc2640r2lp_app_imageB.hex -t onchip -i production -o ${ProjName}_unified.hex

I can able to debug my appl or BIM or OAD target appl separately but not all three at the same time simultaneously.

I tried creating new under "launch group" but it could run only one project at a time.

If i try OAD reset, control should goto BIM project. I should be able to switch between projects.

Is there any procedure to do so?

- Suganya

  • If I understand your question correctly, you have loaded the combined hex file to the target and wish to debug all of the applications in that image, is that correct?

    If so, you should be able to add symbols to your existing debug session by going to menu Run --> Load --> Load Symbols and load the symbols for the remaining .out files. You also have the option to apply offsets to properly place the symbols in memory. Hope this helps.

  • I am using CCS version 7.2.0

    I couldnt find that options in CCS.

    Can you just provide one screenshot of the same?

  • Once you are in the debug session, the option is under the Run menu. I suppose in your case, if you need to add symbols for more than one .out file, you could also use the Add Symbols menu item.

  • I tried the same. Now i can see symbols getting loaded for BIM and OAD TARGET projects

    When i try reset the image B, it should switch to BIM and then to oad target A

    Though breakpoints are there, it doesnt go there and i see jtag communication error.


    if i do soft reset also, this issue comes.

    cant i switch between projects? resetting the current appl will breka down jtag debugger lines also?

    - Suganya

  • Do you mean that you are able to debug the main app but when trying to switch to a different app then the jtag communication fails?
    Can you try a simpler method like setting the PC to the address of one of the other apps (either in Disassembly or Registers view) and see if it is able to get there?

    I'm not very familiar with the details of OAD projects myself, and there may be some intricacies to how they should be loaded/debuggged using CCS. I believe the experts in the BLE device forum should have more knowledge in this area so I would suggest creating a new post in that forum so they can chime in with their recommendations as well.