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CCS: How could I do a simple simulation?

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have a simple question about simulation in Code Composer Studio. When I write a C based program in Codevision for an AVR microcontroller, I build the project and produce hex file. The simple simulation software, Proteus help me to do my simulation. In the category of microprocessors of Proteus I can find for example ATmega32 and so on. Even MSP430 family ICs can be used from that list, but I really know that DSP ICs like TMS320VC5509 don't exist there. 

This is my matter, how to do my simulations in Code Composer Studio or any other software similar to what I can do in Proteus for AVRs.


  • Hi,

    Device simulation was supported up to CCS release 5.5, which can be downloaded from the link below.

    Although they worked well, not all devices were available. For additional details about its functions and the availability of devices per version, please check the references below:

    Hope this helps,
  • Hi Rafael

    Thank you for your response. According to your first sentence, would you clarify that device simulation is supported by CCS v5.3 (the version I use) or not? You mean the new versions such CCSv6 and CCSv7 don't support simulations?
    If the answer of second question is yes, so what is the suggestion to do simulations?
  • I want to explain the matter a bit more in order to show what I really need.

    This very simple example is a C based program related to ATmega32 microcontroller  written and compiled in Codevision.

    Then I select ATmega32 in Proteus and import the hex code that was compiled by Codevision to the project in simulation software(Proteus).

    Thank you for the two last links you sent me, but I have seen them. 

    #include <mega32.h> #include <delay.h> #define PO PORTC void main(){ DDRA=0xff; PORTA=0x00; DDRB.0=1; while(1){ PO='S'; PORTA=0x0f; PORTB.0=1; delay_ms(100); PORTA=0xf0; PORTB.0=0; delay_ms(100); } }


  • I am looking for a training source that help me in details.
    Is there any useful book, site or forum.
  • Hi,

    CCSv5.3 supports the device and core simulators and our latest release that supported them is 5.5. CCSv6 and v7 do not officially support core or device simulation.

    That said, looking at your next post indicates to me that what you are looking for a simulator that is capable of performing both firmware and electrical stimulus simulations. We don't have anything in our product portfolio that accomplishes that.

    Please let me know if I missed your original requirements.

  • Hi Rafael,
    Thank you for your answers.
    That was not a good news about lack of firmware and electrical stimulus simulation. But I mainly looking for "FUNCTIONAL CPU SIMULATION" useful training source.
    Is there any related book or online PDF?
  • I have found MSP430 ICs in the list of Proteus microprocessors devices.

    Why TI does not add electrical simulation feature in its IDE (Code Composer Studio) or produce a separate simulation software like Proteus, at least for some of its microcontrollers.

    This is my suggestion. I think it could be so useful, especially before PCB designing. It help designers to check programs and some other considerations at test stage.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the additional clarifications. CCS was designed to fulfill the role of software development alone and was never equipped to add electrical characterization, which is left to third parties such as the one you are using.

    To my knowledge, TI has been supplying these third parties with functional information about some of the processors of our product line. Other devices, however, have more complete solutions such as TinaTI or Webench - but no processors are supported by these tools.

    Therefore at this moment I can't promise that CCS will ever fulfill this role, but I will certainly bring that up to the product management. I will report back to this thread if this scenario changes.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for bringing my suggestion up to TI product manager.

    Related to your second paragraph, would you please give me a little bit more details about Tina TI or Webench. These are new for me and I have not heard about them.

  • Hossein,

    These tools are simulators for various analog parts and additional information can be found at;
