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CCS/MSP430F2274: Added Comments to the program does not function properly

Part Number: MSP430F2274

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

As stated in the title, my code was running as predicted, but I added in some comments and rebuilt the code (to test the timing), and now the code does not work. The previous Flash/FRAM usage was 900+ bytes, but after rebuilding the code, it is now reduced to 666 bytes. I have taken out the comments which I had added (in case that was the problem), but it does not revert back to the original, intended size and functionality. Besides adding the comments, there were no changes made to the code. Please help, as I have no idea why this happened or how to fix it. Please/thank you. My code shown below.

#include <msp430.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define     INTERRUPT_VALUE         0x2         // counter for interrupts (see above for calculations)
#define     START_RAM               0x220       // start address of RAM for data array
#define     END_RAM                 0x5FF       // end address of RAM for data array
#define     ARRAY_STEP              0x80        // increase/decrease movement of data (128 bytes)
#define     ARRAY_SIZE              0x80        // size of data (128 bytes)

/* function declarations */
void configWDT(void);                           // halts the watchdog timer
void configClocks(void);                        // selects ACLK/8 as frequency
void configGPIO(void);                          // disables/enables GPIO pins
void configTimerA(void);                        // configures TimerA for interrupt counter
uint32_t *memory_copy(uint32_t *, uint32_t *);  // moves data around RAM and clears previous location

/* global variables */
static volatile unsigned char toggle_LED;       // toggles red LED (used for debugging)
static volatile unsigned short intrp_flg;       // counts number of interrupts of TimerA

/* forces processor to place data arrays in RAM */
#pragma DATA_SECTION(dest_loc, ".ram_data")
char cur_loc[128];                              // current location of array in RAM
char dest_loc[128];                             // next memory location in RAM for array

int main(void)
    /* initalize globals */
    toggle_LED = 0;
    intrp_flg = 0;
    int reverse_dataflow = 0;

    /* configure watchdog timer, clocks, GPIO pins, and TimerA of processor */

    /* initialize data arrays to be moved throughout RAM */
    int dest = START_RAM;                       // starting position is beginning of available RAM
    uint32_t *cur_loc = (void *)dest;           // pointer to initial position in RAM (dest)
    memset(cur_loc, '$', ARRAY_SIZE);           // fill memory with arbitrary data (used for debugging)
    dest += ARRAY_STEP;                         // next memory location for data is 128 bytes away from starting location)
    uint32_t *dest_loc = (void *)dest;          // pointer to next memory location in RAM
    __no_operation();                           // (used for debugging)

     * remain in this loop for the duration of the program
     *  > enters low-power mode until # of interrupts have passed
     *  > exits low-power mode, moves data to new location in RAM
     *  > re-enters low-power mode
        __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE);                     // enter LPM3
            P1OUT ^= BIT0;
            if(!reverse_dataflow)                               // moves data to higher memory address
                dest += ARRAY_STEP;                             // increase new memory location in RAM by size of data
                if(START_RAM <= dest && dest <= END_RAM)        // check to see if next memory location falls within bounds of RAM data space
                    cur_loc = memory_copy(dest_loc, cur_loc);   // copy memory from current location to new location
                    dest_loc = (void *)dest;                    // new memory location is current location + size of data (128 bytes)
                    __no_operation();                           // (used for debugging)
                else if(dest >= END_RAM) {                      // next memory location is above available RAM space
                    dest -= ARRAY_STEP * 2;                     // decrement new destination to 128 bytes below current location
                    reverse_dataflow = 1;                       // reverse the movement of data through RAM (used for debugging)
                    __no_operation();                           // (used for debugging)
                dest -= ARRAY_STEP;                             // decrease new memory location in RAM by size of data
                if(START_RAM <= dest && dest <= END_RAM)        // check to see if next memory location falls within bounds of RAM data space
                    dest_loc = (void *)dest;                    // new memory location is current location - size of data (128 bytes)
                    cur_loc = memory_copy(dest_loc, cur_loc);   // copy memory from current location to new location
                    __no_operation();                           // (used for debugging)
                else if(dest <= START_RAM)                      // next memory location is below available RAM space
                    dest += ARRAY_STEP * 2;
                    dest_loc = (void *)dest;
                    reverse_dataflow = 0;                       // reverse the movement of data through RAM (used for debugging)
                    __no_operation();                           // (used for debugging)

uint32_t *memory_copy(uint32_t *destination, uint32_t *source)
    memmove(destination, source, ARRAY_SIZE);                   // move data to new memory location
    memset(source, '\0', (int)destination - (int)source);       // clear previous memory location
    source = destination;                                       // new memory location is now current memory location
    return source;

void configWDT(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;          // WDTCTL = 0x5A80

void configClocks()
    DCOCTL |= DCO1 + DCO0;                                  // DCOCTL = 0x60
    BCSCTL1 |= XT2OFF + DIVA_3 + RSEL2 + RSEL1 + RSEL0;     // BCSCTL1 = 0xB7
    BCSCTL2 |= SELM_3 + SELS;                               // BCSCTL2 = 0xC8
    BCSCTL3 |= XT2S_3;                                      // BCSCTL3 = 0xC0


void configGPIO(void)
    P1DIR |= 0x03;
    P1SEL |= 0x02;

void configTimerA(void)
    TACCTL0 |= OUTMOD_4;                        // TACCTL0 = 0x0081
    TACCR0 |= 0xFFFF;
    TACTL |= TASSEL_1 + ID_3 + MC_3 + TAIE;     // TACTL = 0x01F2

#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector=TIMERA1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A(void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(TIMERA1_VECTOR))) Timer_A (void)
#error Compiler not supported!
    intrp_flg++;                                            // increment flag counter
        case  2:                                            // capture/compare 1 interrupt
        case  4:                                            // capture/compare 2 interrupt
        case 10:                                            // timer overflow interrupt
            if(intrp_flg % INTERRUPT_VALUE == 0) {          //
                toggle_LED = 1;
                intrp_flg = 0;
            else {
                toggle_LED = 0;

  • Sean,

    Is there just a single source file in the project? I don't see anything in the comments that is removing code.

    One thing you can try is the local history. In your source file right click in the source and select Compare With -> Local History. This will allow you to compare your current version of the source file with any previous version. It will also allow you to individually revert changes. Alternatively if you know when you started making the changes you can select Replace With -> Local history and select the version of the file you want.
