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Unable to execute mklib --all

I am trying to learn how to compile the run time support libraries for CCS 5.5. Following the guidelines in section 8.5.2 of the CCS COmpiler USer Guide SPRU187U - July 2012, I attempted to execute mklib --all from a cmd window the directory containing the libc.a file. In my particular case, the path to the libc.a file is C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.4\lib. When I execute mklib --all, I get failure messages when the cl6x compiler is called to compile the 1st file. I suspect the reason for the errors is path related, but I'm not sure where I made the mistake.

I have attached 2 files. The mklib error.txt file contains the cmd window text after running mklib --all. The mklib error.pdf contains screen captures of my environment variables and the directories containing the c6000 compiler and the run time support build tools.

I have checked the page. Although I didn't see a solution to my problem, it's probably there and I missed it. This is the first time I've tried to compile the run time support libraries.

Thank you very much for your time. 

5504.mklib error.pdf 

8176.mklib error.txt
  inflating: autoinit.c              [text]
  inflating: vect.h                  [text]
  inflating: linkage.h               [text]
  inflating: cpp_init.c              [text]
  inflating: boot.c                  [text]
  inflating: dtos.c                  [text]
  inflating: lltoa.c                 [text]
  inflating: memcpy62.c              [text]
  inflating: gsmfuncs.c              [text]
  inflating: gsmvars.c               [text]
  inflating: imath40.c               [text]
  inflating: imath64.c               [text]
  inflating: llshift.c               [text]
  inflating: mpyll.c                 [text]
  inflating: pprof_cio.c             [text]
  inflating: trgmsg.c                [text]
  inflating: outprof.c               [text]
  inflating: pprof_user.c            [text]
  inflating: memset.c                [text]
  inflating: copy_decompress_none.c  [text]
  inflating: copy_decompress_rle.c   [text]
  inflating: copy_zero_init.c        [text]
  inflating: copy_decompress_lzss.c  [text]
  inflating:                [text]
  inflating: addd.c                  [text]
  inflating: cmpd.c                  [text]
  inflating: cvtfd.c                 [text]
  inflating: divd.c                  [text]
  inflating: fixdi.c                 [text]
  inflating: fixdli.c                [text]
  inflating: fixdu.c                 [text]
  inflating: fixdul.c                [text]
  inflating: fixdlli.c               [text]
  inflating: fltid.c                 [text]
  inflating: fltlid.c                [text]
  inflating: fixdull.c               [text]
  inflating: fltud.c                 [text]
  inflating: fltuld.c                [text]
  inflating: fltllid.c               [text]
  inflating: frcaddd.c               [text]
  inflating: frcdivd.c               [text]
  inflating: fltulld.c               [text]
  inflating: frcmpyd_div.c           [text]
  inflating: mpyd.c                  [text]
  inflating: frcmpyd.c               [text]
  inflating: negd.c                  [text]
  inflating: subd.c                  [text]
  inflating: stdbool.h               [text]
  inflating: renormd.c               [text]
  inflating: signal.h                [text]
  inflating: cmath                   [text]
  inflating: xwcc.h                  [text]
  inflating: ymath.h                 [text]
  inflating: yvals.h                 [text]
  inflating: bitset                  [text]
  inflating: cassert                 [text]
  inflating: algorithm               [text]
  inflating: cctype                  [text]
  inflating: cerrno                  [text]
  inflating: cfloat                  [text]
  inflating: ciso646                 [text]
  inflating: climits                 [text]
  inflating: clocale                 [text]
  inflating: csetjmp                 [text]
  inflating: csignal                 [text]
  inflating: cstdarg                 [text]
  inflating: cstddef                 [text]
  inflating: cstdio                  [text]
  inflating: cstdlib                 [text]
  inflating: cstring                 [text]
  inflating: ctime                   [text]
  inflating: cwchar                  [text]
  inflating: cwctype                 [text]
  inflating: deque                   [text]
  inflating: fstream                 [text]
  inflating: hash_map                [text]
  inflating: hash_set                [text]
  inflating: iomanip                 [text]
  inflating: exception               [text]
  inflating: fstream.h               [text]
  inflating: functional              [text]
  inflating: iosfwd                  [text]
  inflating: iostream                [text]
  inflating: iomanip.h               [text]
  inflating: ios                     [text]
  inflating: istream                 [text]
  inflating: iterator                [text]
  inflating: iostream.h              [text]
  inflating: limits                  [text]
  inflating: locale                  [text]
  inflating: map                     [text]
  inflating: list                    [text]
  inflating: memory                  [text]
  inflating: new.h                   [text]
  inflating: numeric                 [text]
  inflating: new                     [text]
  inflating: ostream                 [text]
  inflating: queue                   [text]
  inflating: sstream                 [text]
  inflating: stack                   [text]
  inflating: rope                    [text]
  inflating: set                     [text]
  inflating: slist                   [text]
  inflating: stdiostream.h           [text]
  inflating: stl.h                   [text]
  inflating: stdexcept               [text]
  inflating: string                  [text]
  inflating: strstream               [text]
  inflating: streambuf               [text]
  inflating: strstream.h             [text]
  inflating: typeinfo                [text]
  inflating: utility                 [text]
  inflating: valarray                [text]
  inflating: vector                  [text]
  inflating: wchar.hx                [text]
  inflating: xdebug                  [text]
  inflating: xhash                   [text]
  inflating: xiosbase                [text]
  inflating: xlocale                 [text]
  inflating: xlocinfo                [text]
  inflating: xlocmes                 [text]
  inflating: xlocmon                 [text]
  inflating: xlocinfo.h              [text]
  inflating: xlocnum                 [text]
  inflating: xmemory                 [text]
  inflating: xstddef                 [text]
  inflating: xloctime                [text]
  inflating: xstring                 [text]
  inflating: xtree                   [text]
  inflating: xutility                [text]
  inflating: xxstod.h                [text]
  inflating: xxxdtent.h              [text]
  inflating: xxcctype.h              [text]
  inflating: signal.c                [text]
  inflating: raise.c                 [text]
  inflating: fwide.c                 [text]
  inflating: stox.c                  [text]
  inflating: ios.cpp                 [text]
  inflating: iostream.cpp            [text]
  inflating: fiopen.cpp              [text]
  inflating: iomanip.cpp             [text]
  inflating: wiostrea.cpp            [text]
  inflating: throw.cpp               [text]
  inflating: limits.cpp              [text]
  inflating: locale.cpp              [text]
  inflating: locale0.cpp             [text]
  inflating: nothrow.cpp             [text]
  inflating: raisehan.cpp            [text]
  inflating: string.cpp              [text]
  inflating: strstrea.cpp            [text]
  inflating: wlocale.cpp             [text]
  inflating:                [text]
  inflating: absf.c                  [text]
  inflating: xfpostox.cpp            [text]
  inflating: xlocale.cpp             [text]
  inflating: xlocinfo.cpp            [text]
  inflating: xatexit.cx0             [text]
  inflating: acosf.c                 [text]
  inflating: acoshf.c                [text]
  inflating: acot2f.c                [text]
  inflating: acotf.c                 [text]
  inflating: acothf.c                [text]
  inflating: asinf.c                 [text]
  inflating: asinhf.c                [text]
  inflating: atanf.c                 [text]
  inflating: atan2f.c                [text]
  inflating: atanhf.c                [text]
  inflating: ceilf.c                 [text]
  inflating: cosf.c                  [text]
  inflating: coshf.c                 [text]
  inflating: cotf.c                  [text]
  inflating: cothf.c                 [text]
  inflating: exp10f.c                [text]
  inflating: exp2f.c                 [text]
  inflating: expf.c                  [text]
  inflating: fabsf.c                 [text]
  inflating: floorf.c                [text]
  inflating: fmodf.c                 [text]
  inflating: fpclassifyf.c           [text]
  inflating: frexpf.c                [text]
  inflating: isfinitef.c             [text]
  inflating: isinff.c                [text]
  inflating: isnanf.c                [text]
  inflating: isnormalf.c             [text]
  inflating: ldexpf.c                [text]
  inflating: log10f.c                [text]
  inflating: log2f.c                 [text]
  inflating: logf.c                  [text]
  inflating: powif.c                 [text]
  inflating: powf.c                  [text]
  inflating: roundf.c                [text]
  inflating: rsqrtf.c                [text]
  inflating: sinf.c                  [text]
  inflating: sinhf.c                 [text]
  inflating: sqrtf.c                 [text]
  inflating: tanf.c                  [text]
  inflating: tanhf.c                 [text]
  inflating: truncf.c                [text]
  inflating: divi_t.asm              [text]
  inflating: divu_t.asm              [text]
  inflating: remi_t.asm              [text]
  inflating: remu_t.asm              [text]
  inflating: strasgi_t.asm           [text]
  inflating: basics.h                [text]
  inflating: config.h                [text]
  inflating: cxxabi.h                [text]
  inflating: dtor_list.h             [text]
  inflating: eh.h                    [text]
  inflating: defines.h               [text]
  inflating: error.h                 [text]
  inflating: rtti.h                  [text]
  inflating: runtime.h               [text]
  inflating: memzero.h               [text]
  inflating: vec_newdel.h            [text]
  inflating: vtbl.h                  [text]
  inflating: array_nodel.cpp         [text]
  inflating: array_nonew.cpp         [text]
  inflating: array_del.cpp           [text]
  inflating: array_new.cpp           [text]
  inflating: dtor_list.cpp           [text]
  inflating: delete.cpp              [text]
  inflating: array_pdel.cpp          [text]
  inflating: delnothrow.cpp          [text]
  inflating: array_pnew.cpp          [text]
  inflating: guard.cpp               [text]
  inflating: memzero.cpp             [text]
  inflating: error.cpp               [text]
  inflating: new_.cpp                [text]
  inflating: newnothrow.cpp          [text]
  inflating: placedel.cpp            [text]
  inflating: newhandler.cpp          [text]
  inflating: pure_virt.cpp           [text]
  inflating: rtti.cpp                [text]
  inflating: placenew.cpp            [text]
  inflating: typeinfo_.cpp           [text]
  inflating: vars.cpp                [text]
  inflating: set_new.cpp             [text]
  inflating: vec_newdel.cpp          [text]
  inflating: divi.asm                [text]
  inflating: vec_cctor.cpp           [text]
  inflating: divu.asm                [text]
  inflating: memcpy64.asm            [text]
  inflating: remi.asm                [text]
  inflating: remu.asm                [text]
  inflating: strasg.asm              [text]
  inflating: push.asm                [text]
  inflating: call_stub.asm           [text]
  inflating: setjmp.asm              [text]
cl6x -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/a
ppdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/tem
p/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/a
ppdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/tem
p/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x autoinit.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb
/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x autoinit.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/t
emp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x cpp_init.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb
/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x cpp_init.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/t
emp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x boot.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/app
data/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x boot.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/
ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x dtos.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/app
data/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x dtos.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/
ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x gsmfuncs.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb
/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x gsmfuncs.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/t
emp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
cl6x gsmvars.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q  -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/
appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, cl6x gsmvars.c -o -oe -k -pdsw225 -q -mo --mem_model:data=far --no_visible_enums -c --ti_lib --building_runtime -D_BOOL -mv67p --gcc -Ic:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/te
mp/ti2580~1/src -fr c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -fs c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj -ft c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/negll.obj] Error 2
gmake.exe: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/wchar.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/autoinit.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/cpp_init.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/boot.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/dtos.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/gsmfuncs.obj] Error 2
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
gmake.exe: *** [c:/users/jxsb/appdata/local/temp/ti2580~1/obj/gsmvars.obj] Error 2
>> ERROR: mklib: gmake error during rts67plus.lib build


  • The important part of that error message is "process_begin: CreateProcess() failed."  This is usually caused by a command line that is too long.  Try setting your TEMP environment variable to something shorter.  You can alternately pass a shorter path to mklib using the --tmpdir option.  Make sure the compiler tools are in your path; try executing "cl6x" from the command line with no arguments.

  • Thank you for your excellent suggestions Archeologist. The problem was not the length of the command line. Following your recommendation to run cl6x from the C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.4\lib directory resulted in a 'cl6x not recognized as an internal or external command...' error, which confirmed the C6X_C_DIR environment variable setting of C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.4 was not providing the path to the cl6x executable when executing mklib -all.

    I tried changing the path to C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.4\bin, but still no success. Finally, I explicitly set the path to the compiler in the call to mklib --all by adding --compiler_bin_dir=C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.4\bin and that did the trick.

    I'm not sure that falls directly in line with the instructions of section of SPRU187U, but I was able to rebuild all the libraries. It seemed like mkliib.c wasn't really using the C6X_C_DIR environment variable correctly.

    Thanks again for your help! Now to figure out how to customize an rts6200 library to include support for memset. Baby steps :-D

  • You have mixed up the usage of two system settings: the system path and C6X_C_DIR.  They serve different purposes.  I'll describe them separately.  I presume you are running a DOS command shell under Windows.  If you are running some different shell, or using Linux, then the specific commands I show are not correct, but the general concept still applies.

    The system path is the set of directories the OS searches to find an executable.  You can see it like this ...

    % path

    When you run a command, the OS looks for it in that list of directories.  In your specific case, you need to make sure that the command cl6x can be found in this manner.  A typical way to do that is with a command similar to ...

    % path=C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.7\bin;%PATH%

    Using the option --compiler_bin_dir as you did is also correct.  But that is not what Archaeologist said to do.  Use whichever method works better for you.

    The environment variable C6X_C_DIR is a list of directories searched to find compiler include files and libraries.  A typical setting for that is ...

    % set C6X_C_DIR=C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.7\include;C:\ti\ccsv5\tools\compiler\c6000_7.4.7\lib

    Thanks and regards,
