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How to solve this it doesn't compile this c plus program.PLEASE HELP ME

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main()
string id;
char mtype;
int yr, sumdist = 0, A = 0, sumchrA, avgChargeA=0;
double mfee, dist, charge;
ifstream inFile;"member.txt");
if (!inFile)
cout << "Unable to open file " << endl;

cout << left << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << setw(10) << "ID" << setw(10) << "Type" << setw(10) << "Fee($)" << setw(10) << "Discount($)" << "Charge($)" << endl;

while (!inFile.eof())
inFile >> id >> mtype >> mfee;

if (

if (mtype == 'A') mfee = 30;
else if (mtype == 'B') mfee = 150;
else if (mtype == 'C') mfee = 210;

if (yr < 2) dist = 0;
else if (yr <= 5) dist = mfee*0.05;
else dist = mfee* 0.08;

charge = mfee - dist;

cout << setw(10) << id << setw(10) << mtype << setw(10) << mfee << setw(10) << dist << charge << endl;
sumdist += dist;
if (mtype == 'A')

sumchrA += charge;


//j. compute average
avgChargeA = sumchrA / A;
//k. print report summary
cout << "No of Type A members = " << A << endl;
cout << "Average Charge for Type A members = " << avgChargeA << endl;
cout << "Total Discount = " << sumdist << endl;
inFile.close();//text file step 6
return 0;