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Command line option to specify location ofl ibraries?

Genius 5820 points


I'm running the PRU-C-compiler with following parameters (as specified by the README contained in compiler package):

clpru --silicon_version=3 -I../include/ -I../build/armv7a/cgt_ccs/am335x/beaglebone/enet_lwip/ -o3 main.c -z AM3359_PRU.cmd --rom_model -o PRU_tests.out -m

This results in an error message

warning: automatic RTS selection:  attempt to automatically link in index
   library "libc.a" failed; file not found
error: no input section is linked in
warning: entry-point symbol "_c_int00" undefined
warning: no suitable entry-point found; setting to 0
error: errors encountered during linking; "PRU_tests.out" not built

The reason is clear: path to libc.a is not known. So my question: using which command line option do I have to announce the path to the directory containing the libraries? -L does not work...


  • qxc said:
    using which command line option do I have to announce the path to the directory containing the libraries?

    Add another -I option which gives the location of the /lib directory of the compiler installation.  

    Thanks and regards,
