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Follow-Up the Development of the gcc-msp430-elf Toolchain

The new msp430-gcc toolchain is mostly based upon open source tools:

  • gcc
  • binutils
  • newlib
  • and a set of linker scripts and header files for each mcu variant

How does the internal development process work? I can see some commits in the above repositories made by Red Hat engineers from time to time but I can see only few tickets in the projects' official bug trackers (gcc, binutils/newlib). Is it possible to follow up the work in progress, e.g. tickets to learn more about the development process? How does TI see previous mspgcc community efforts and how did they make it into the msp430-gcc toolchain? Is the decision-making process (about which and how features are implemented) open?

Thank You in advance.

  • Thanks for your questions!


    We do recognize the need for more communication around the GCC toolchain for our MSP430 MCUs. Our goal with this toolchain is to upstream everything as early as possible and to continue developing the tools based on community feedback. We acknowledge that much of the work done on MSPGCC was extremely valuable and while we tried to maintain as much compatibility as possible, we did need to start fresh to ensure that we fully and completely met all of the upstreaming conditions.


    There is no way to follow the development process today, but that doesn’t mean it will not be strongly influenced by the community. We encourage you to provide input on features and issues both from the upstream bugzilla and the E2E forums on

  • The last packaged release of msp430-elf was back in November ( Since then, there have been several significant bugs fixed in the upstream repositories (some of which, i would consider quite critical). When can we expect the next release to be available? Compiling from the upstream source is certainly doable, but not something I'd expect many to be comfortable with.

  • The next package is currently being prepared and you can expect it to release in February.