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msp430-elf-gcc: does the official GCC MSP430 port implement workarounds for all errata?
[ Warning: not for the faint-heated.]

Is there a list of which errata does the official port of GCC include workarounds for?

A search among files and docs in the distributable did not yield much.

  • The root directory of the compiler installation includes a text file named changelogs.txt.  Does this contain the information you need?

    Thanks and regards,


  • There's one mention of one erratum (without number reference) in 'Release Notes.txt'. No explicit references to errata in changelogs.txt. This seems vital information for the CPU core errata -- otherwise how to check disassembly output for each case of erratum-triggering instruction sequences?

    The TI compiler has some cli flags that seem to refer to errata by numbers which is nice info. Just knowing what is and what is not implemented would be very valuable -- nobody is asking for any implementation work. It remains to assume that no errata workarounds are implemented in gcc. I still will risk using it because of at least two specific features over TI cl430: (1) inline asm parametrization support and (2) compile-time folding of constants (incl. cases when cl430 doesn't).
  • Hi Alexei,

    There are no workarounds currently in the gcc sources.
