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Setting flash memory locations to certain value on MSP430 during firmware flash using GCC toolchain

The TI BSL430_Low_Level_Init.asm has the following lines of code:

 .sect ".BSLSIG"
                 .word       0xFFFF         ; 0x17F0
BslProtectVecLoc .word       BSL_Protect    ; 0x17F2 adress of function
PBSLSigLoc       .word       03CA5h         ; 0x17F4 1st BSL signature
SBSLSigLoc       .word       0C35Ah         ; 0x17F6 2nd BSL signature
                 .word       0xFFFF         ; 0x17F8
BslEntryLoc      .word       BSL_Entry_JMP  ; 0x17FA BSL_Entry_JMP

How can I accomplish the same thing using the msp GCC tool-chain?

  • You can assemble that code with the TI assembler and then link it into the larger project with the GCC linker.  Is that practical?

    If you need to re-write this to work with the GCC assembler ... I don't think anyone who frequents this forum has that knowledge.  Consider posting in the MSP forum.  Or, if you prefer, I can move this thread into that forum.

    Thanks and regards,


  • George,

    I never had luck mixing tool-chains in one project and I do not think this will pass our code review, so there has to be a way to make it happen.
  • I'm sorry, I don't know how to do the equivalent of ".retain" for the GCC toolchain, but you can get very close to what you need by letting GCC figure it out.  Write a C program like so:

    extern unsigned char BSL_Protect, BSL_Entry_JMP;
    __attribute__((section(".BSLSIG"), used)) const unsigned char *BslProtectVecLoc = &BSL_Protect;
    __attribute__((section(".BSLSIG"), used)) const unsigned char *BslEntryLoc      = &BSL_Entry_JMP;
    __attribute__((section(".BSLSIG2"), used)) const unsigned int   PBSLSigLoc       = 0x3CA5;
    __attribute__((section(".BSLSIG2"), used)) const unsigned int   SBSLSigLoc       = 0xC35A;

    and then use "gcc -S" to generate the assembly code.  This assembly code is for Linux; you'd need to use the MSP gcc to get the right type sizes.

            .file   "foo.c"
            .globl  BslProtectVecLoc
            .section        .BSLSIG,"aw",@progbits
            .align 8
            .type   BslProtectVecLoc, @object
            .size   BslProtectVecLoc, 8
            .quad   BSL_Protect
            .globl  BslEntryLoc
            .align 8
            .type   BslEntryLoc, @object
            .size   BslEntryLoc, 8
            .quad   BSL_Entry_JMP
            .globl  PBSLSigLoc
            .section        .BSLSIG2,"a",@progbits
            .align 4
            .type   PBSLSigLoc, @object
            .size   PBSLSigLoc, 4
            .long   15525
            .globl  SBSLSigLoc
            .align 4
            .type   SBSLSigLoc, @object
            .size   SBSLSigLoc, 4
            .long   50010
            .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 5.3.0-3ubuntu1~14.04) 5.3.0 20151204"
            .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits

    Of course this isn't quite what you want, but using this as an example should get you most of the way to writing the assembly code in GCC notation.