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Compiler: Announcement: C++14 and C++11 Available in ARM, MSP430, and C6000 Compilers

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

TI is pleased to announce support for C++14 and C++11 is available in the ARM compiler, and the MSP430 compiler, starting with version 18.1.1.LTS.  Support for the standard is complete, except for the following:

  • Concurrency (e.g.: std::thread, std::atomic, and associated helpers)
  • New character types (e.g.: Header files: uchar.h and cuchar)
  • Unicode string literals (e.g.: U"string", u"string", u8"string")
  • Universal character names in literals (e.g.: "\u0123")

To obtain the release please visit the download page for Code Generation Tools for TI processors and microcontrollers.

Thanks and regards,
