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DLPC200: I have seen PACKET STRUCTURE doubts in some commands.

Guru 10570 points
Part Number: DLPC200


I have seen doubts in some commands.

a) DownloadBPPfromFlashToExtMem(0x0030)

In PACKET STRUCTURE, I think CMD1 = 0x04 READ is incorrect. Is my understanding right?
Because it returns CMD1 mismatch, but there is no error by CMD1 = 0x02 WRITE.

CMD1 = 0x04 READ : 04 AA0000 0C00 3000 0300 00000800 00800100 + Checksum (Write Resp:05AA0000 0200 4000 42)
---------> GetExtendedPktFailReason: 05AA0000 0400 00000200 06 .. "0200" CMD1 mismatch
CMD1 = 0x02 WRITE : 02 AA0000 0C00 3000 0300 00000800 00800100 + Checksum (Write Resp:03AA0000 0200 0000 02)
---------> No error

b) 6.14 WriteImageOrderLut (0x000D)
PACKET STRUCTURE is incorrect.
In my experience, the following is correct. Do you agree with me?

Response error : 02AA0000 0700 0D01 02 0100 0200 + Checksum (Write Resp:03AA0000 0200 4000 42)
---------> GetExtendedPktFailReason: 05AA0000 0400 00000100 05
No error : 02AA0000 0900 0D00 01 0200 0100 0200 + Checksum (Write Resp:03AA0000 0200 0000 02)