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DLP-ALC-LIGHTCRAFTER-SDK: HDMI Mono 6bit : the decoding of the frame doesn't project the right patterns' sequence


Hi I am using a DLP LIGHTCRAFTER dev kit.

So far I have been happy when I used the internal memory with 96 images of 1bit depth. Unfortunately my application needs more frames so I try to use external pattern with HDMI.

my settings are the Followings: HDMI 60Hz Monochrome 6bit colour depth giving a 240fps

my full movie is a rotating dot, so each pattern is a dot which has been displaced of a certain angle around the center of the screen

as there are 4 positions of the dot in one frame It is obvious i have a strange colored picture such as this one: 

when I record the projected pictures with a high speed camera I don't got the expected result.

What I see is that the following patterns are not displayed in the right sequence, but instead "jump" from one pattern to another. In a regular way I recon, but not the good one for me.

I am doing it on Matlab, here is my following code:

% from the dlpDevelopperGuide
% Blue [5:0]                                      1    Monochrome [5:0]
% Red [3:0], Blue [7:6]                      2    Monochrome [5:0]
% Green [1:0], Red [7:4]                    3    Monochrome [5:0]
% Green [7:2]                                    4     Monochrome [5:0]

IMG_R = [Pat2(:,3:6) Pat3(:,1:4) ];
IMG_G = [Pat3(:,5:6) Pat4(:,1:6) ];
IMG_B = [Pat1(:,1:6) Pat2(:,1:2) ];

rgbImage = cat(3, IMGA_R_mat1, IMGA_G_mat1, IMGA_B_mat1);
rgbImage = uint8(rgbImage);

            Pat1,Pat2 ,Pat3 ,Pat4 are the 6bit depths of each of the 4 patterns, that are put into one frame

I then create a uncompressed avi file with all my frames. the normal avi file looks like there are problems to uncompress by the FPGA, there are "bright shadows": wrong activation of pixels around the dot

My questions are the followings: 

1) Is there any additional information I need to know to compress correctly my pattern into the RGB888 frame, or am I missing something?

2) I tried to read the movie on the DLP as a second monitor with both Matlab or VLC and non of them worked. What I want: each pattern at a time (every 1/240 sec) with the position of my dot moving smoothlyfrom one position to the other NOT COMING BACK JUMPING TO THE NEXT AND STOP or different funny sequences.

I tried to change the frame compression order such as RGB - BRG and some others but could manage to get what I 

Trigger out is ok 240Hz 

Thank you in advance


  • Leandre,

    Welcome to the E2E forums, and thanks for your interest in our DLP technology.

    Have you tried sending your video stream using a different source, and similarly tried using a different sink to test your video? It may be worth doing to eliminate some variables from your signal chain.

    I'll see if I can loop in one of our experts to assist you on the ALC software side.

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo
  • Hi Philippe,

    Thank you for your message

    Indeed I tried different ways of doing it and I came up thinking that the limiting factor is the use of a Windows machine which could have some delays between to packages sent to the DLP (due to running routine or background program). I will say I am 75% sure the problem is here. 

    With my Microsoft PC I tried to display the sequence on the DLP (through HDMI) with VLC, Matlab and Windows reader. In all cases some glitch appears in between patterns (n my  case 4 patterns per frame).

    I am currently using the DLPs with Internal memory, but I need the HDMI connection to work ASAP.

    My next plan is to load the movie I want to play into a RaspberryPI (Linux) which will display, when triggered, the movie on the DLP through HDMI (I suppose here that the RspPi will not have delay problems)

    I am relatively confident about my compression code (put patterns into frames), and tried different combination that did't work better.

    Thank you for your help,

    I look forward to have assistance from your team 

    All the best,


  • Leandre,

    Can you confirm that your PC has sufficiently powerful specs to rule it out as a source of bottlenecking in video processing? I do not believe you have any glaring issues in your compression method, either.

    I recommend you test the system with source video at 60 Hz without compression in order to test your interface. This may help you debug your interface software, if such debugging is necessary.

    Best Regards,
    Philippe Dollo