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eZdsp C5505 i2c slave Transmitter Mode with CSL


I trying to use the i2c to read with my i.mx6 board from the DSP.

my i.mx6 board is the master -> eZdsp should be slave !

i only can read one byte from the DSP ! when i try to read more than one byte its not working !

i use the read() function on the i.mx6 board.
this works with one bye! ->

        int numberBytes = EZDSP_BUFFER;
           int bytesRead = read(file, this->dataBuffer, 1);
           std::cout << "bytes Read = "<< bytesRead << std::endl;
           std::cout << "bytes Read = "<< this->dataBuffer[0] << std::endl;
           if (bytesRead == -1){
               std::cout << "Failure to read" << std::endl;

But when it try to read morge then one byte like this:

        int numberBytes = EZDSP_BUFFER;
           int bytesRead = read(file, this->dataBuffer, 512);
           std::cout << "bytes Read = "<< bytesRead << std::endl;
           std::cout << "bytes Read = "<< this->dataBuffer[0] << std::endl;
           if (bytesRead == -1){
               std::cout << "Failure to read" << std::endl;

its not working !

please help me... here is my eZdps code :

#include "csl_i2c.h"
#include "cslr_i2c.h"
#include "csl_dma.h"
#include <csl_general.h>
#include "do_fft.h"
#include "setup_irq.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "setup_i2c.h"
#include "ref_data.h"

#define CSL_I2C_ICOAR_OADDR_SETSLAVEADD           (0x0060u)
#define CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK          (10)
#define CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ         (400)
#define CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE        (512)
#define CSL_I2C_OWN_ADDR         (0x002F)

CSL_I2cSetup          i2cSetup;
CSL_I2cConfig         i2cConfig;
CSL_DMA_Handle        dmaWrHandle;
CSL_DMA_Handle        dmaRdHandle;
CSL_DMA_Config        dmaConfig;
CSL_DMA_ChannelObj    dmaWrChanObj;
CSL_DMA_ChannelObj    dmaRdChanObj;

Uint16             i2cTxCount;
Uint16             i2cRxCount;
Uint16             i2cErrInTx;
Uint16             stopDetected = FALSE;

Uint8 gI2cRdBuf[CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE];
Uint8 gI2cWrBuf[CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE];
Uint16 i2cRxCount;
Uint8 I2C_active_flag;
volatile Uint16 dataLength;
volatile Uint16    looper;
extern DATA magnitude[OFFSET];

void setup_i2c(void)
	for(looper = 0; looper < CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE; looper++)
		gI2cWrBuf[looper] = looper;
		gI2cRdBuf[looper] = 0x0000;

	Uint16		statusByte;

	CSL_Status    status;

	status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Init Failed!!\n");


//	i2cConfig.icoar  = CSL_I2C_ICOAR_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icimr  = CSL_I2C_ICIMR_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icclkl = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icclkh = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
	i2cConfig.iccnt  = CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE;
//	i2cConfig.icsar  = CSL_I2C_ICSAR_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icmdr  = CSL_I2C_ICMDR_WRITE_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icemdr = CSL_I2C_ICEMDR_DEFVAL;
//	i2cConfig.icpsc  = CSL_I2C_ICPSC_DEFVAL;

	status = I2C_config(&i2cConfig);
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Config Failed!!\n");


	statusByte = activate_i2c_events();
	if(statusByte != CSL_SOK) {
		printf("Event Init Failed!!\n");

	statusByte = init_i2c_interface();
		if(statusByte != CSL_SOK) {
			printf("I2C Init Failed!!\n");


CSL_Status activate_i2c_events()
	CSL_Status		result = 0;
	CSL_I2cIsrAddr	i2cIsrAddr;
	CSL_Status	status;

	/* Enable I2C NACK Error Event */
	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_NACK);		/* Enable I2C NACK Error Event */
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ICXRDY);		/* Enable I2C Tx Ready Event */
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ICRRDY);    /** I2C Receive ReaDY event*/
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_AAS);    /** Address As Slave event */
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_SCD);   /** Stop Condition Detected event*/
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ARDY);    /** register Access ReaDY event*/
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_AL);    /** Arbitration Loss event */
	if(status != CSL_SOK)
		printf("I2C Event enable Failed!!\n");

	/* Set the I2C call back function address */
    i2cIsrAddr.alAddr   = CSL_i2cAlCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.nackAddr = CSL_i2cNackCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.ardyAddr = CSL_i2cArdyCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.rrdyAddr = CSL_i2cRxCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.xrdyAddr = CSL_i2cTxCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.scdAddr  = CSL_i2cScdCallback;
    i2cIsrAddr.aasAddr  = CSL_i2cAasCallback;

	status = I2C_setCallback(&i2cIsrAddr);
	if(status != CSL_SOK) {
		printf("I2C Set callback Failed!!\n");
	return 0;

CSL_Status init_i2c_interface() {

	CSL_Status		result = 0;
	CSL_I2cSetup	i2cSetup;
	CSL_Status	status;

	/* Setup I2C module */
	i2cSetup.addrMode    = CSL_I2C_ADDR_7BIT;
	i2cSetup.bitCount    = CSL_I2C_BC_8BITS;
	i2cSetup.loopBack    = CSL_I2C_LOOPBACK_DISABLE;
	i2cSetup.freeMode    = CSL_I2C_FREEMODE_DISABLE;
	i2cSetup.repeatMode  = CSL_I2C_REPEATMODE_ENABLE;
	i2cSetup.ownAddr     = CSL_I2C_ICOAR_OADDR_SETSLAVEADD;
	i2cSetup.sysInputClk = CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK;
	i2cSetup.i2cBusFreq  = CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ;

	status = I2C_setup(&i2cSetup);
	if(status != CSL_SOK) {
		printf("I2C Setup Failed!!\n");
	CSL_FINST(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICMDR, I2C_ICMDR_STB, CLEAR);
	CSL_FINST(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICMDR, I2C_ICMDR_RM, SET); // RM,STP, STT -> Repeat mode transfer: START condition, slave address, continuous data transfers	until STOP condition or next START condition

	//CSL_FINST(i2cHandle->i2cRegs->ICEMDR, I2C_ICEMDR_BCM, SET);

	i2cErrInTx = FALSE;
	i2cTxCount = 0;
	dataLength = CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE;

	return 0;

interrupt void i2c_isr(void)
	Uint16    eventId;
	eventId = I2C_getEventId();
	if(eventId != 0) {
		i2cHandle->I2C_isrDispatchTable[eventId - 1]();

void CSL_i2cAlCallback(void)
 *  \brief  I2C No acknowledgement callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cNackCallback(void)
	i2cErrInTx = TRUE;

 *  \brief  I2C Access ready callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cArdyCallback(void)

 *  \brief  I2C Receive ready callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cRxCallback(void)
	gI2cRdBuf[i2cRxCount++] = CSL_I2C_0_REGS->ICDRR;

 *  \brief  I2C Transmit ready callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cTxCallback(void)
	CSL_I2C_0_REGS->ICDXR = gI2cWrBuf[i2cTxCount++];//(Uint8)magnitude[i2cTxCount++]; //gI2cWrBuf[i2cTxCount++];

 *  \brief  I2C Stop condition detected callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cScdCallback(void)
	stopDetected = TRUE;

 *  \brief  I2C Address as slave callback
 *  \param  None
 *  \return None
void CSL_i2cAasCallback(void)