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Linux/TMS320C5535: After building TIesrAPI,s where I need to keep that executables exactly.

Part Number: TMS320C5535

Tool/software: Linux


Recently I am working on embedded speech recognizer. I am following the steps which was given in Readme.txt file I am trying to recognize for Yes and No words for recognition.

In the first step I build htktool c4.5 and TIesr API,s.

In the second step I created a Data Preparation for YES nd NO words

while I running this command testtiesrdt Data/Lang xtemp.txt 1

I am getting error as below

testtiesrdt: command not found

after building tiesr tools I got that  executable but I cannot know where I need to keep that executable exactly

Thank you in advance

Regards and Thanks

k.t.r.sarath chandra