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how to dynamically change from NCP to ECP between symbols in aif2?

Hi all,

I have a doubt regarding the configurations or procedure to follow for Aif2 in order to change from NCP to ECP from one symbol to other with in a Sub there any possibility to do so? to be precise I want first two symbols in NCP and the rest 10 symbols in ECP. How to achieve this dynamically in Aif2?

Any suggestions are highly appreciated. thank you 



jagadeesh mavudi

  • anybody...reply please?

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately, we can not change the Rad timer terminal count on the fly. you should stop the link and reconfigure PE,PD with new symbol timing.



  • Hello Albert Bae,

    Pleased to see your reply, can we achieve it by changing the Symbol time ? I mean choosing the NCP and Changing the symbol times from third symbol onwards. Awaiting your reply.


    jagadeesh mavudi

  •  Hi Albert Bae,

    Actually we are  trying to support MBSFN feature in which the first two symbols would be in NCP and the remaining symbols use ECP.As a result there occurs a hole(gap) in between symbol 2 and 3. so how to handle that gap with aif2.

  • Hi Albert,

    Just to add a little bit of more information, we would like to support LTE MBMS transmission on 6670 processor.
    We are using NCP. Therefore for MBMS, the first two symbols will be using normal cyclic prefix while other (10) symbols will be using extended cyclic prefix. To adjust the timing of 1 milli sec, there will be a hole between symbol 2 and symbol 3.

    So this case is of mixed use of ECP and NCP. Now since protocol encoder is configured for NCP with frameSymbolTc as 139. So how would we transmit data in MBMS subframe which has only 12 symbol instaed of 14. Is it possible to support MBMS when AIF2 is configured in NCP mode or not.

  • OK! so you are trying to implement MBSFN.

    Please see attached ppt file and it clearly explains how your case can be configured by using AIF2.

    you are trying to use MBSFN2 case in the file, then you may have G2,G3 gap between symbol N1 and symbol X4.

    frame message terminal count value should be updated on the fly and this presentation shows the timing when and how you can do this without changing current AT timing.

    Please carefully read this document and you may get a clue how you can achieve your goal.


    Albert2630.MBSFN support on AIF2.ppt

  • Hi Albert,

    I've seen the attached document and I have a question. In the slide is written that:
    •PD_FRM_MSG_TC[14GrpIndex+SymIdx].FRM_MSG_TC = SymLen(SymIdx, FrameType)
    • Needs to be modified at runtime on transition between Normal and MBSFN Sub-Frames

    But Protocol Decoder is related to ingress traffic, so why we need to change PD_FRM_MSG_TC[14GrpIndex+SymIdx].FRM_MSG_TC ? MBSFN data are trasmitted in downlink direction so I have supposed that PE_FRM_MSG_TC[14GrpIndex+SymIdx].FRM_MSG_TC should be updated.  Is it correct?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Angelo,

    you are right. you can change egress setup only for MBSFN if your tx port is connected to your FPGA or Radio head.

    In my case, I had to change both side with loopback option because we don't have radio transmitter module to confirm the data transmitted data.

    Hope this could help to you.



  • Hi Albert,
    first thanks for your answer. I have understood your point of view.
    My later question is: for egress setup I need to change only:

     PE_FRM_TC[GrpIdx].FRM_INDEX_SC = 14GrpIdx
     PE_FRM_TC[GrpIdx].FRM_INDEX_TC = 14GrpIdx + 13
     PE_FRM_TC[GrpIdx].FRM_SYM_TC = 14

    or even


    Best Regards,



    this also need to be changed in run time because MBSFN requires the change of each symbol size.

    see attached file for your information3343.MBSFN support on AIF2.ppt



  • Perfect. Thank you Albert.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Albert,

    Is it possible with AIF2 to use a sub-frame for PRS and MBSFN-RS signals transmissions as mentioned in LTE specs.

    If yes, can you please share some ppt, writeup, application note etc.



  • Pankaj,2772.MBSFN support on AIF2.ppt

    See attached file for your information.



  • Hi Albert,

    I have tried to implement the MBSFN. I am updating the FRAME_MSG_TERMINAL_COUNT for PD and PE both, one symbol prior to actual transmission symbol. For example FRAME_MSG_TERMINAL_COUNT for symbol 0 is being updated at symbol 13 of previous subframe and for symbol 1 is being updated at symbol 0.Am i configuring the them at the right place or not?

    Because i am seeing the "pe_ee_sym_err" error in aif2  which means that symbol index in navigator protocol specific header did not match for one or more symbol (Multicore Navigator packet).

    I have a query what would be the PSINFO for 14 symbols for MBSFN subframe? Would it be according to the received symbol Idx from the Aif2 or it would be calculated from the software.



  • Hi Albert,

    Is it possible to support CPRI link for LTE 15MHz (FDD and TDD) on 6670 keystone processor. I had doubts as I saw the following lines in AIF2 user guide version 7D

    Only the following LTE rates are directly tested in AIF2: 5MHz, 10MHz, and 20MHz (TI believes these are the main frequencies of interest). These LTE rates have an actual sampling rate of 7.68MHz, 15.36MHz, and 30.72MHz sampling rates that correspond to 2x, 4x, and 8x of WCDMA sampling rates.



  • Hi,

    yes. AIF2 support CPRI LTE15MHz (FDD, TDD).

    our 6670 MCSDK has AIF2 LLD and it has CPRI LTE15 MHz example code. please update the latest version just in case.

    I attached an CSL level example for your information.

     *           Copyright (C) 2009 Texas Instruments Incorporated.             *
     *                           All Rights Reserved                            *
     *                                                                          *
     * GENERAL DISCLAIMER                                                       *
     * ------------------                                                       *
     * All software and related documentation is provided "AS IS" and without   *
     * warranty or support of any kind and Texas Instruments expressly disclaims*
     * all other warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, *
     * the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular   *
     * purpose.  Under no circumstances shall Texas Instruments be liable for   *
     * any incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the    *
     * use or inability to use the software or related documentation, even if   *
     * Texas Instruments has been advised of the liability.                     *
     *                                                                          *
     * Written by :                                                             *
     *            Albert Bae
     *            Sahil Hingorani                                               *
     *            Texas Instruments                                             *
     *            15 July, 2010                                                 *                                                           *
     *                                                                          *
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <c6x.h>
    #include <ti/csl/src/intc/csl_intc.h>
    #include "Aif2_config.h"
    #include "psc_util.h"
    /* Define queues for common FDQs */
    #define MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q     2000
    #define MONO_RX_FDQ            2001
    /* These are for the AIF test */
    #define MONO_RX_Q              900
    #define MONO_TX_Q              512
    //Users should use 16 bytes aligned data for Aif2 and PktDMA test
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(mono_region,".intData_sect")//use MSMC memory for test mode
    #pragma DATA_ALIGN (mono_region, 16)
    Uint8   mono_region[32 * 6640];//payload size is 6.6K bytes for Normal cyclic prefix 15 MHz LTE
    Uint32  tmp[7];
    /* Intc variable declarartion */
    CSL_IntcObj    intcObj;
    CSL_IntcHandle   hIntc;
    CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord  EventHandler[8];
    CSL_IntcGlobalEnableState state;
    /* Global structures and variables  */
    CSL_Aif2Obj Aif2Obj;// Aif2 CSL object
    CSL_Aif2Handle hAif2;// Aif2 handle
    Bool ctrlArg; // Ctrl Argument;
    CSL_Aif2Context Aif2Context;//Aif2 context
    CSL_Aif2Param  aif2Param;//AIF2 module specific parameters
    CSL_Status status; // CSL status
    CSL_Aif2Setup               aif2Setup;//Aif2 HW setup
    CSL_Aif2LinkSetup           linkSetup;// Setup for links
    CSL_Aif2GlobalSetup         globalSetup;// global config for AIF2
    CSL_Aif2CommonSetup         commonSetup; // Setup for common params
    CSL_Aif2SdCommonSetup       SdCommonSetup;//SERDES common setup
    CSL_Aif2PdCommonSetup       PdCommonSetup;//PD common setup
    CSL_Aif2PeCommonSetup       PeCommonSetup;//PE common setup
    CSL_Aif2IngrDbSetup         IngrDbSetup;// Ingress data buffer setup
    CSL_Aif2EgrDbSetup          EgrDbSetup;// Egress data buffer setup
    CSL_Aif2AdCommonSetup       AdCommonSetup;// Aif2 DMA common setup
    CSL_Aif2AtCommonSetup       AtCommonSetup; // Aif2 Timer common  setup
    CSL_Aif2AtEventSetup        AtEventSetup; // Aif2 Timer external and internal event  setup
    CSL_Aif2AtCountObj          PhyTimerTc;// AT Phy Terminal Count setup
    CSL_Aif2AtCountObj          RadTimerTc;// AT Rad Terminal Count setup
    CSL_Aif2AtCountObj          PhyTimerInit;// AT Phy Init value setup
    CSL_Aif2AtCountObj          RadTimerInit;// AT Rad Init value setup
    CSL_Aif2CommonLinkSetup     ComLinkSetup; // Aif2 link common setup
    CSL_Aif2SdLinkSetup         SdLinkSetup; //SERDES link setup
    CSL_Aif2RmLinkSetup         RmLinkSetup; //RM link setup
    CSL_Aif2TmLinkSetup         TmLinkSetup; //TM link setup
    CSL_Aif2PdLinkSetup         PdLinkSetup; //PD link setup
    CSL_Aif2PeLinkSetup         PeLinkSetup; //PE link setup
    CSL_Aif2RtLinkSetup         RtLinkSetup; //RT link setup
    CSL_Aif2AtLinkSetup         AtLinkSetup; // Aif2 timer link setup (Pi, Delta, PE signal)
    volatile unsigned int int4_result;
    Uint32 atLteIsrTiming[100];
    volatile Uint32 prevTS = 0;
    void reg_wr_32(Uint32 addr,Uint32 write_data);
    interrupt void int4_isr(){
       int i;
       atLteIsrTiming[int4_result] = TSCL - prevTS;
       prevTS = TSCL;
       if(int4_result == 0){
          for(i = 0;i<7;i++)push_queue(MONO_TX_Q, 1, 0, tmp[i]);
    void Intc_config(void)
       CSL_IntcParam    vectId;
       CSL_IntcContext  context;
       //! GEM0 Intc Configuration              !//
       /* Setup the global Interrupt */
       context.numEvtEntries = 8;
       context.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler;
       /* Enable NMIs  */
       /* Enable Global Interrupts  */
       /* VectorID for the Global Edma Event  */
       vectId = CSL_INTC_VECTID_4;
       /* Opening a handle for the Fsync->EDMA Interrupt Event */
       hIntc   = CSL_intcOpen(&intcObj,
                               AIF2_EVENT2_INTSEL_MAP, // Event2
       //Hook the ISRs
       CSL_intcHookIsr(vectId,  &int4_isr);
       // Clear the Interrupt
       CSL_intcHwControl(hIntc, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTCLEAR,  NULL);
       //Enable the Event & the interrupt
       CSL_intcHwControl(hIntc, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTENABLE,  NULL);
    void MNavigator_config(void)
    	Uint32  flow_a;
        Uint32  flow_d;
        Uint16  idx;
        MNAV_MonolithicPacketDescriptor *mono_pkt;
       /* Setup Memory Region 0 for 32 6640B Monolithic descriptors. Our
        * Mono descriptors will be 12 bytes plus 4 bytes protocol specific field, plus
        * 6624(6576) bytes of payload(symbol). so the total size is 6640 and it is dividable by 16
        * 32 descriptors. (dead space is possible) */
        set_memory_region(0, (Uint32) mono_region, 0, 0x019E0000); // check
        * Configure Linking RAM 0 for the descriptor regions.
       set_link_ram(0, QM_LRAM_REGION, 0x3fff); //internal link ram
        /* Initialize descriptor regions to zero */
        memset(mono_region, 0, 32 * 6640);
        /* Push 7 Monolithic packets into Tx Completion Queue */
        for (idx = 0; idx < 7; idx ++)
          mono_pkt = (MNAV_MonolithicPacketDescriptor *)(mono_region + (idx * 6640));
          mono_pkt->type_id = MNAV_DESC_TYPE_MONO;
          mono_pkt->data_offset = 16;
          mono_pkt->pkt_return_qmgr = 0;
          mono_pkt->pkt_return_qnum = MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q;
          push_queue(MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q, 1, 0, (Uint32)(mono_pkt));
        /* Push 7 Monolithic packets to Rx FDQ  */
        for (idx = 16; idx < 23; idx ++)
          mono_pkt = (MNAV_MonolithicPacketDescriptor *)(mono_region + (idx * 6640));
          mono_pkt->type_id = MNAV_DESC_TYPE_MONO;
          mono_pkt->data_offset = 16;
          push_queue(MONO_RX_FDQ, 1, 0, (Uint32)(mono_pkt));
        * Configure Rx channel flows
       /* Note that when LOOPBACK_MODE is enabled, the PKTDMA will force
        * force the flow ID value in the Tx Streaming I/F to be equal to
        * the channel number. (normally, the Tx flow ID is set to 0xff).
        * This is a simulator special testing feature. */
        //Create flow configuration 0 for the Monolithic packets
        flow_a = 0x28100000 | MONO_RX_Q;
        flow_d = MONO_RX_FDQ << 16;
        config_rx_flow(AIF_PKTDMA_RX_FLOW_REGION, 0,
                       flow_a, 0, 0, flow_d, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        * Enable Tx and Rx channels.
        enable_disable_loopback(0);//disable PKTDMA loopback for normal data transfer
        config_tx_chan(AIF_PKTDMA_TX_CHAN_REGION, 0, 0x01000000); //set AIF_MONO_MODE to 1 and set PS filter to zero
        enable_tx_chan(AIF_PKTDMA_TX_CHAN_REGION, 0, 0x80000000);
        enable_rx_chan(AIF_PKTDMA_RX_CHAN_REGION, 0, 0x80000000);
    void Aif2_MNAV_Cpri_config(void)
      int i;
      /************ Initialize Aif2 structures to avoid unwanted configuration ************************************************/
       memset(&globalSetup, 0, sizeof(globalSetup));
       memset(&linkSetup, 0, sizeof(linkSetup));
       memset(&commonSetup, 0, sizeof(commonSetup));
       memset(&SdCommonSetup, 0, sizeof(SdCommonSetup));
       memset(&PdCommonSetup, 0, sizeof(PdCommonSetup));
       memset(&PeCommonSetup, 0, sizeof(PeCommonSetup));
       memset(&IngrDbSetup, 0, sizeof(IngrDbSetup));
       memset(&EgrDbSetup, 0, sizeof(EgrDbSetup));
       memset(&AdCommonSetup, 0, sizeof(AdCommonSetup));
       memset(&AtCommonSetup, 0, sizeof(AtCommonSetup));
       memset(&AtEventSetup, 0, sizeof(AtEventSetup));
       memset(&PhyTimerInit, 0, sizeof(PhyTimerInit));
       memset(&RadTimerInit, 0, sizeof(RadTimerInit));
       memset(&PhyTimerTc, 0, sizeof(PhyTimerTc));
       memset(&RadTimerTc, 0, sizeof(RadTimerTc));
       memset(&ComLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(ComLinkSetup));
       memset(&SdLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(SdLinkSetup));
       memset(&RmLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(RmLinkSetup));
       memset(&TmLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(TmLinkSetup));
       memset(&PdLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(PdLinkSetup));
       memset(&PeLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(PeLinkSetup));
       memset(&RtLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(RtLinkSetup));
       memset(&AtLinkSetup, 0, sizeof(AtLinkSetup));
       // Initialize CSL library, this step is required
       // Open Aif2 and get handle
       hAif2 = CSL_aif2Open(&Aif2Obj, CSL_AIF, &aif2Param, &status);
       if ((hAif2 == NULL) || (status != CSL_SOK))
          printf ("\nError opening CSL_AIF2");
       /************** populating AIF2 major setup structures ***************************************************/
       aif2Setup.globalSetup = &globalSetup;
       aif2Setup.commonSetup = &commonSetup;
       aif2Setup.linkSetup[CSL_AIF2_LINK_0] = &linkSetup;//assign only one link setup for link 0
       // populate global config fields
       globalSetup.ActiveLink[CSL_AIF2_LINK_0] = TRUE;//Activate link 0 for this test
       globalSetup.frameMode = CSL_AIF2_FRAME_MODE_NORMAL;
       //populate common config fields
       commonSetup.pSdCommonSetup = &SdCommonSetup;
       commonSetup.pPdCommonSetup = &PdCommonSetup;
       commonSetup.pPeCommonSetup = &PeCommonSetup;
       commonSetup.pIngrDbSetup   = &IngrDbSetup;
       commonSetup.pEgrDbSetup    = &EgrDbSetup;
       commonSetup.pAdCommonSetup = &AdCommonSetup;
       commonSetup.pAtCommonSetup = &AtCommonSetup;
       commonSetup.pAtEventSetup  = &AtEventSetup;
       /****Link Setup (Do this setup repeatedly with different link setup structure if user wants to use multiple links) ***/
       //populate link config fields for link 0
       linkSetup.linkIndex     = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;
       linkSetup.pComLinkSetup = &ComLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pSdLinkSetup  = &SdLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pRmLinkSetup  = &RmLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pTmLinkSetup  = &TmLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pPdLinkSetup  = &PdLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pPeLinkSetup  = &PeLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pRtLinkSetup  = &RtLinkSetup;
       linkSetup.pAtLinkSetup  = &AtLinkSetup;
       //Link Common setup
       ComLinkSetup.linkProtocol = CSL_AIF2_LINK_PROTOCOL_CPRI;
       ComLinkSetup.linkRate = CSL_AIF2_LINK_RATE_4x;
       ComLinkSetup.IngrDataWidth = CSL_AIF2_DATA_WIDTH_15_BIT;
       ComLinkSetup.EgrDataWidth = CSL_AIF2_DATA_WIDTH_15_BIT;
       //SD link setup
       SdLinkSetup.rxLos = CSL_AIF2_SD_RX_LOS_ENABLE;
       SdLinkSetup.rxCdrAlgorithm = CSL_AIF2_SD_RX_CDR_FIRST_ORDER_THRESH_1;
       SdLinkSetup.rxInvertPolarity = CSL_AIF2_SD_RX_NORMAL_POLARITY;
       SdLinkSetup.rxTermination = CSL_AIF2_SD_RX_TERM_COMMON_POINT_0_7 ;//for AC coupled application
       SdLinkSetup.rxEqualizerConfig = CSL_AIF2_SD_RX_EQ_ADAPTIVE;//Equalizer On
       SdLinkSetup.bRxEqHold = FALSE;//fixed value
       SdLinkSetup.bRxOffsetComp = TRUE;//fixed value
       SdLinkSetup.bEnableTxSyncMater = TRUE; //fixed value
       SdLinkSetup.txInvertPolarity = CSL_AIF2_SD_TX_PAIR_NORMAL_POLARITY;
       SdLinkSetup.txOutputSwing = CSL_AIF2_SD_TX_OUTPUT_SWING_14;
       SdLinkSetup.txPrecursorTapWeight = CSL_AIF2_SD_TX_PRE_TAP_WEIGHT_2;// -5%
       SdLinkSetup.txPostcursorTapWeight = CSL_AIF2_SD_TX_POST_TAP_WEIGHT_24;// -20%
       SdLinkSetup.bTxFirFilterUpdate = TRUE;//FIR filter update on
       //TM link setup
       TmLinkSetup.bEnableTmLink = TRUE;
       TmLinkSetup.bEnableRmLos = FALSE;
       TmLinkSetup.SeedValue = 0x1;
       TmLinkSetup.bEnableScrambler = FALSE;
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.L1InbandEn = 0;//disable 9 bits mask
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.RmLinkLosError = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//select link 0 as source RM link
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.RmLinkLofError = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//select link 0 as source RM link
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.RmLinkLosRx = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//select link 0 as source RM link
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.RmLinkLofRx = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//select link 0 as source RM link
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.RmLinkRaiRx = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//select link 0 as source RM link
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.TxStartup = 0;
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.TxPointerP = 20;
       TmLinkSetup.pCpriTmSetup.TxProtocolVer = 1;
       //RM link setup
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableRmLink = TRUE;
       RmLinkSetup.RmFifoThold = CSL_AIF2_RM_FIFO_THOLD_IMMEDIATELY;
       RmLinkSetup.RmErrorSuppress = CSL_AIF2_RM_ERROR_ALLOW;
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableSdAutoAlign = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableScrambler = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableLcvUnsync = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableLcvControl = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableWatchDog = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.WatchDogWrap = 0xFF;//set watch dog wrap value
       RmLinkSetup.bEnableClockQuality = FALSE;
       RmLinkSetup.ClockMonitorWrap = 0;//disabled
       RmLinkSetup.losDetThreshold = RM_LOS_DET_THOLD;
       RmLinkSetup.SyncThreshold = RM_SYNC_THOLD;
       RmLinkSetup.FrameSyncThreshold = RM_SYNC_THOLD;
       RmLinkSetup.UnsyncThreshold = RM_UNSYNC_THOLD;
       RmLinkSetup.FrameUnsyncThreshold = RM_UNSYNC_THOLD;
       //RT link setup
       RtLinkSetup.CiSelect =  CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;
       RtLinkSetup.bEnableEmptyMsg = TRUE;
       RtLinkSetup.RtConfig = CSL_AIF2_RT_MODE_TRANSMIT;// takes PE input only
       //PD link setup
       PdLinkSetup.bEnablePdLink = TRUE;
       PdLinkSetup.CpriEnetStrip = 0;//disable ethernet strip for control channel
       PdLinkSetup.Crc8Poly = CRC8_POLY;
       PdLinkSetup.Crc8Seed = CRC8_SEED;
       PdLinkSetup.CpriCwNullDelimitor = 0xFB;//K 27.7 charactor
       PdLinkSetup.CpriCwPktDelimitor[0] = CSL_AIF2_CW_DELIM_NULLDELM;//4
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriCrcType[0] = CSL_AIF2_CRC_16BIT;
       PdLinkSetup.bEnableCpriCrc[0] = TRUE;//enable CPRI CRC for control channel 0
       PdLinkSetup.PdPackDmaCh[0] = 124;//Set DB channel 124 as a dma ch for control channel 0
       PdLinkSetup.bEnablePack[0] = TRUE;//enable CPRI control channel 0 packing
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.DbmX = 1;// set X-1
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.DbmXBubble = 1;//bubbles of 2 AxC samples
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Mult = 0;//set n-1
       // for LTE 15Mhz
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Size = 2;//set n-1
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Map[0] = 0x4;
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.Dbm2Size = 0;
       PdLinkSetup.PdCpriDualBitMap.Dbm2Map[0] = 0x0;
       PdLinkSetup.CpriDmaCh[0]= 0; //match DbmX channel 0 to DB channel 0
       PdLinkSetup.bEnableCpriX[0]= TRUE; //enable CPRI X channel 0
       PdLinkSetup.bEnableCpriPkt[0]= FALSE;//use AxC data for X channel 0
       PdLinkSetup.Cpri8WordOffset[0]= 0;//Word level CPRI data offset for X channel 0
       for(i=0;i<256;i++)//cpri cw lut setup
        PdLinkSetup.CpriCwChannel[i]= 0; //set cw channel num to pack 0
        PdLinkSetup.bEnableCpriCw[i]= TRUE; //enable CPRI CW sub channel
       //PE link setup
       PeLinkSetup.bEnablePeLink = TRUE;
       PeLinkSetup.PeCppiDioSel = CSL_AIF2_CPPI;
       PeLinkSetup.TddAxc = FALSE;
       PeLinkSetup.PeDelay = DB_PE_DELAY_CPRI;//0 sys_clks delay between DB and PE
       PeLinkSetup.Crc8Poly = CRC8_POLY;
       PeLinkSetup.Crc8Seed = CRC8_SEED;
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.DbmX = 1;//set X-1
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.DbmXBubble = 1;//bubbles of two AxC samples
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Mult = 0;//set n-1
       // for LTE 15Mhz
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Size = 2;//set n-1
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.Dbm1Map[0] = 0x4;
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.Dbm2Size = 0;
       PeLinkSetup.PeCpriDualBitMap.Dbm2Map[0] = 0x0;
       PeLinkSetup.CpriAxCPack = CSL_AIF2_CPRI_15BIT_SAMPLE;
       PeLinkSetup.CpriCwNullDelimitor = 0xFB;//K 27.7 character
       PeLinkSetup.CpriCwPktDelimitor[0] = CSL_AIF2_CW_DELIM_NULLDELM;
       PeLinkSetup.PePackDmaCh[0] = 124;
       PeLinkSetup.bEnablePack[0] = TRUE;
       for(i=0;i<256;i++)//cpri cw lut setup
        PeLinkSetup.CpriCwChannel[i]= 0; //set cw channel num to pack 0
        PeLinkSetup.bEnableCpriCw[i]= TRUE; //enable CPRI CW sub channel
       //AT link setup
       AtLinkSetup.PE1Offset = 300;
       AtLinkSetup.PE2Offset = 310;
       AtLinkSetup.DeltaOffset = 380;
       AtLinkSetup.PiMin = 380;
       AtLinkSetup.PiMax = 400;
       AtLinkSetup.IsNegativeDelta = FALSE;//positive delta
       /************** Common Setup ********************************************************************************/
       //SD common setup
       SdCommonSetup.bEnablePllB8 = TRUE;
       SdCommonSetup.LB_B8 = CSL_AIF2_PLL_LOOP_BAND_MID;//High BW is also fine
       SdCommonSetup.VoltRangeB8 = CSL_AIF2_PLL_VOLTAGE_LOW;//fixed factor
       SdCommonSetup.SleepPllB8 = CSL_AIF2_PLL_AWAKE;
       SdCommonSetup.pllMpyFactorB8 = CSL_AIF2_PLL_MUL_FACTOR_20X;//for CPRI when reference clock is 122.88 Mhz
       SdCommonSetup.SysClockSelect = CSL_AIF2_SD_BYTECLOCK_FROM_B8;
       SdCommonSetup.DisableLinkClock[0] = FALSE;//enable link0 clock to save power
       //PD common setup
       PdCommonSetup.PdCppiDioSel = CSL_AIF2_CPPI;//AxC data uses CPPI for DMA machine
       PdCommonSetup.AxCOffsetWin = AXC_OFFSET_WIN;//AxC offset window
       PdCommonSetup.PdRadtTC = 2457599;//Radio frame size for CPRI
       PdCommonSetup.PdFrameTC[0].FrameIndexSc = 0;//start index
       PdCommonSetup.PdFrameTC[0].FrameIndexTc = 6;//teminal index
       PdCommonSetup.PdFrameTC[0].FrameSymbolTc = 139;//140 noramal cyclic prefix symbols in one rad frame.
       PdCommonSetup.PdChConfig[0].bChannelEn = TRUE;//Channel enable for channel 0
       PdCommonSetup.PdChConfig[0].DataFormat = CSL_AIF2_LINK_DATA_TYPE_NORMAL;//Data format for channel 0
       PdCommonSetup.AxCOffset[0] = 0;//this is the number of QW level data to skip
       PdCommonSetup.PdChConfig1[0].DataFormat = CSL_AIF2_GSM_DATA_OTHER;//Non GSM data
       PdCommonSetup.PdChConfig1[0].FrameCounter = 0;//CPRI framing counter group number for channel 0
       PdCommonSetup.PdChConfig1[0].TddEnable = 0xFFFF;//PD TDD, enables all symbols(FDD) for channel 0
       PdCommonSetup.TddEnable1[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;//enables all symbols(FDD)
       PdCommonSetup.TddEnable2[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;//enables all symbols(FDD)
       PdCommonSetup.TddEnable3[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;//enables all symbols(FDD)
       PdCommonSetup.TddEnable4[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;//enables all symbols(FDD)
       PdCommonSetup.PdFrameMsgTc[0] = 413;//OBSAI frame message terminal count for first normal cyclic prefix symbol
       PdCommonSetup.PdFrameMsgTc[i] = 410;//OBSAI frame message terminal count for ohter 6 normal cyclic prefix LTE symbols
       //PE common setup
       PeCommonSetup.PeTokenPhase = 0;//Phase alignment for scheduling DMA normally set to zero
       PeCommonSetup.EnetHeaderSelect = 1;
       PeCommonSetup.PeFrameTC[0].FrameIndexSc = 0;//start index
       PeCommonSetup.PeFrameTC[0].FrameIndexTc = 6;//teminal index
       PeCommonSetup.PeFrameTC[0].FrameSymbolTc = 139;//140 normal cyclic prefix symbols in one rad frame.
       PeCommonSetup.bEnableCh[0] = TRUE;//Enable PE channel for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].bCrcEn = FALSE;//disable CRC for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].FrameTC = 0;//use framing terminal count 0 for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].RtControl = CSL_AIF2_PE_RT_INSERT;//use PE insert option for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].CrcType = CSL_AIF2_CRC_8BIT;//CRC type for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].isEthernet = FALSE;//AxC data
       PeCommonSetup.PeDmaCh0[0].CrcObsaiHeader = FALSE;
       PeCommonSetup.PeInFifo[0].MFifoWmark = 3;//Message FIFO water mard for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeInFifo[0].MFifoFullLevel = 5;//Message FIFO full level for channel 0
       PeCommonSetup.PeInFifo[0].SyncSymbol = 0;
       PeCommonSetup.PeAxcOffset[0] = 310;// same to PE2 offset
       PeCommonSetup.PeFrameMsgTc[0] = 1655;//OBSAI frame message terminal count for first normal cyclic prefix symbol
       PeCommonSetup.PeFrameMsgTc[i] = 1643;//OBSAI frame message terminal count for ohter 6 normal cyclic prefix LTE symbols
       //PE Channel LUT setup and link routing selection (ChIndex number is matched with link number)
       PeCommonSetup.ChIndex0[0] = 0; //channel 0 for link 0
       PeCommonSetup.bEnableChIndex0[0] = TRUE;//Route egress channel 0 to dedicated CPRI link
       PeCommonSetup.CpriPktEn0[0] = FALSE; //use channel 0 for AxC
       //Ingress DB setup
       IngrDbSetup.bEnableIngrDb = TRUE; //Enable Ingress DB
       IngrDbSetup.bEnableChannel[0] = TRUE; //Enable Ingress DB channel 0
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].BaseAddress = AIF2_DB_BASE_ADDR_I_FIFO_0; //Set DB FIFO base address for channel 0
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].BufDepth = CSL_AIF2_DB_FIFO_DEPTH_QW64; //Set DB FIFO depth for channel 0 to 64 QW(Quad word)
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].DataSwap = CSL_AIF2_DB_WORD_SWAP; //for DL
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].IQOrder = CSL_AIF2_DB_IQ_NO_SWAP; //No Order change
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].bEnablePsData = TRUE; //Enable 4 bytes PS data
       IngrDbSetup.IngrDbChannel[0].PacketType = 0; //User data
       //Egress DB setup
       EgrDbSetup.bEnableEgrDb = TRUE; //Enable Ingress DB
       EgrDbSetup.PmControl = CSL_AIF2_DB_AXC_TOKEN_FIFO;//to enhance CPRI performance
       EgrDbSetup.bEnableChannel[0] = TRUE; //Enable Egress DB channel 0
       EgrDbSetup.EgrDbChannel[0].BaseAddress = AIF2_DB_BASE_ADDR_E_FIFO_0; //Set DB FIFO base address for channel 0
       EgrDbSetup.EgrDbChannel[0].BufDepth = CSL_AIF2_DB_FIFO_DEPTH_QW64; //Set DB FIFO depth for channel 0 to 32 QW
       EgrDbSetup.EgrDbChannel[0].DataSwap = CSL_AIF2_DB_WORD_SWAP; //for DL
       EgrDbSetup.EgrDbChannel[0].IQOrder = CSL_AIF2_DB_IQ_NO_SWAP; //No Order change
       //AD Common setup
       AdCommonSetup.IngrGlobalEnable = TRUE;
       AdCommonSetup.EgrGlobalEnable = TRUE;
       AdCommonSetup.FailMode = CSL_AIF2_AD_DROP;//drop fail packet
       AdCommonSetup.IngrPriority = CSL_AIF2_AD_PKT_PRI;
       AdCommonSetup.EgrPriority = CSL_AIF2_AD_AXC_PRI;
       AdCommonSetup.Tx_QueNum = AIF2_BASE_TX_QUE_NUM;//base egress queue number setup to 512
       //AT Common setup
       AtCommonSetup.PhySyncSel = CSL_AIF2_SW_SYNC;//Select SW sync for Phy timer trigger
       AtCommonSetup.RadSyncSel = CSL_AIF2_SW_SYNC;//Select SW sync for Rad timer trigger
       AtCommonSetup.SyncMode = CSL_AIF2_NON_RP1_MODE;
       AtCommonSetup.AutoResyncMode = CSL_AIF2_AUTO_RESYNC_MODE;
       AtCommonSetup.CrcMode = CSL_AIF2_AT_CRC_DONT_USE;//Do not use RP1 CRC in this test
       AtCommonSetup.PhytCompValue = 0;
       AtCommonSetup.AtInit.pPhyTimerInit = &PhyTimerInit;
       AtCommonSetup.AtInit.pRadTimerInit = &RadTimerInit;
       PhyTimerInit.ClockNum = 0;
       PhyTimerInit.FrameLsbNum = 0;
       PhyTimerInit.FrameMsbNum = 0;
       RadTimerInit.ClockNum = 0;
       RadTimerInit.SymbolNum = 0;
       RadTimerInit.FrameLsbNum = 0;
       RadTimerInit.FrameMsbNum = 0;
       AtCommonSetup.AtTerminalCount.pPhyTimerTc = &PhyTimerTc;
       AtCommonSetup.AtTerminalCount.pRadTimerTc = &RadTimerTc;
       PhyTimerTc.FrameLsbNum = FRAME_COUNT_TC_PHY_TIMER;//set phy Frame TC to 4095
       PhyTimerTc.ClockNum = CLOCK_COUNT_TC_PHY_TIMER_CPRI; //set phy clock TC for CPRI
       RadTimerTc.FrameLsbNum = FRAME_COUNT_TC_LTE_FDD;//set LTE Frame TC to 4095
       RadTimerTc.SymbolNum = SYMBOL_COUNT_TC_LTE_FDD; //set LTE Symbol TC to 9 (sub frame time)
       RadTimerTc.LutIndexNum = 0; //set LTE lut index TC to zero
       AtCommonSetup.AtTerminalCount.RadClockCountTc[0] = CLOCK_COUNT_TC_LTE_FDD_CPRI;//set LTE Clock count TC forCPRI
       //AT Event setup (Event 2)
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EventSelect = CSL_AIF2_EVENT_2;//Select Event 2
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EventOffset = 614399; //offset for inserting packet in frame at third frame time
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EvtStrobeSel = CSL_AIF2_RADT_FRAME;
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EventModulo = 2457599;//LTE frame time
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EventMaskLsb = 0xFFFFFFFF;
       AtEventSetup.AtRadEvent[2].EventMaskMsb = 0xFFFFFFFF;
       AtEventSetup.bEnableRadEvent[2] = TRUE;//Enable Event 2
       // Error enable for LTE 15Mhz test
       reg_wr_32(0x01F40410, 0x1);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F4041C, 0x1);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F40510, 0xF); // PE common enable set
       reg_wr_32(0x01F4051C, 0xF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F04110, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F0411C, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F04210, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F0421C, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F04310, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F04410, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F40310, 0xFFFFFFFF);
       reg_wr_32(0x01F4031C, 0xFFFFFFFF); 
       /****** Do AIF2 HW setup (set all MMRs above) **********************************************************************/
       CSL_aif2HwSetup(hAif2, &aif2Setup);
       ctrlArg = TRUE;
       hAif2->arg_link = CSL_AIF2_LINK_0;//Select link num
       //Enable Serdes loopback for link 0
       CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_LINK_LOOPBACK, (void *)&ctrlArg);
       //Enable Tx/Rx of link 0
       CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_TX_LINK, (void *)&ctrlArg);
       CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_RX_LINK, (void *)&ctrlArg);
       for(i=0;i<100;i++)asm (" NOP 9 ");//insert time delay for aif2 configuration complete
       //AT Arm timer
       CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AT_ARM_TIMER, (void *)&ctrlArg);
       //Trigger the SW debug frame sync
       CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AT_DEBUG_SYNC, (void *)&ctrlArg);
    void main(void)
    	Uint32  monoRxCount;
        Uint16  testpass;
        Uint32 *temp;
        Uint32  idx, idx2, rx_count, value;
        MNAV_MonolithicPacketDescriptor *mono_pkt;
        printf("Beginning AIF2 CPRI LTE test:\n\n");
        for(idx=0;idx<10000;idx++)asm (" NOP 9 ");//insert time delay for printf operation
        enable_module(aif_pdctl, aif_mdctl);//Enable AIF2 module power
        int4_result = 0;
        MNavigator_config();//multicore navigator configuration for LTE
        for(idx =0; idx < 7; idx++){  //push 7 packets into Tx queue for test
        tmp[idx] = pop_queue(MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q);
        tmp[idx] &= 0xFFFFFFF0;//set DESC_SIZE field to zero
        mono_pkt = (MNAV_MonolithicPacketDescriptor *)tmp[idx];
        //Create Mono packet (initialize non-zero fields)
        mono_pkt->type_id = MNAV_DESC_TYPE_MONO;
        mono_pkt->data_offset = MNAV_MONO_PACKET_SIZE + 4;//16
        if(idx == 0)
        mono_pkt->packet_length = 6624;//first symbol
        else mono_pkt->packet_length = 6576;//other six symbols
        mono_pkt->ps_flags = 1;
        mono_pkt->epib = 0;
        mono_pkt->psv_word_count = 1; // 4 byte PS field length
        mono_pkt->pkt_return_qnum = MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q;
        mono_pkt->src_tag_lo = 0; //copied to .flo_idx of streaming i/f
        temp = (Uint32 *)(tmp[idx] + 16);
        if(idx == 0){
          for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < 1656; idx2 ++) temp[idx2] = idx2; //payload data setup(first symbol)
        else {
          for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < 1644; idx2 ++) temp[idx2] = idx2; //payload data setup(other six symbols)
        //Create PS data
        temp = (Uint32 *)(tmp[idx] + MNAV_MONO_PACKET_SIZE);
        temp[0] = (Uint32)(0x00008000 + (idx << 7));//add symbol number into PS field
        tmp[idx] |= 0x00000003;//set DESC_SIZE to 3 for AIF2 mono mode
        //Tx queue push will be done in ISR
        Aif2_MNAV_Cpri_config();//Aif2 configuration for M Navigator mode
        * Enable AIF and wait for completion.
            asm (" NOP 9 ");
            asm (" NOP 9 ");
            if(int4_result == 4)//Wait three LTE frame time
                //AT disable all events and halt timer
                ctrlArg = TRUE;
    	     CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AT_DISABLE_ALL_EVENTS, (void *)&ctrlArg);
                CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AT_HALT_TIMER, (void *)&ctrlArg);
    	     ctrlArg = FALSE;//disable AD scheduler and Rx, Tx Link
    	     CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AD_E_ENABLE_DISABLE_GLOBAL, (void *)&ctrlArg);
                CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_AD_IN_ENABLE_DISABLE_GLOBAL, (void *)&ctrlArg);
    	     CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_TX_LINK, (void *)&ctrlArg);
                CSL_aif2HwControl(hAif2, CSL_AIF2_CMD_ENABLE_DISABLE_RX_LINK, (void *)&ctrlArg);
                CSL_aif2Reset(hAif2);//reset all aif2 modules
        monoRxCount = 0;  // descriptor count for monolithic RX queue
        while (monoRxCount == 0)
            // Get current descriptor count for monolithic RX queue
            monoRxCount = get_descriptor_count(MONO_RX_Q);
            if (monoRxCount > 0)
            printf(" Number of monolithic packets received in RX queue: %d\n", monoRxCount);
        * Compare the data in the destination buffers.
        /* Compare the Monolithic packet data */
        testpass = 1;
        rx_count = get_descriptor_count(MONO_RX_Q);
        for (idx = 0; idx < rx_count; idx ++)
          tmp[idx] = pop_queue(MONO_RX_Q);
          tmp[idx] &= 0xFFFFFFF0;// clean DESC_SIZE field
          temp = (Uint32 *)tmp[idx];
          temp += 4; //skip pkt header and PS field (16 bytes)
          if(idx == 0){
             for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < 1656; idx2 ++)if (temp[idx2] != idx2) {
             	testpass = 0;
          else {
             for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < 1644; idx2 ++)if (temp[idx2] != idx2) {
             	testpass = 0;
          push_queue(MONO_RX_FDQ, 1, 0, tmp[idx]);
        if (testpass == 1)
          printf(" Test a) Monolithic Packet Data Send/Recv: PASS\n");
          printf(" Test a) Monolithic Packet Data Send/Recv: FAIL\n");
        /* read the descriptor counts of the Monolithic queues. */
        value = get_descriptor_count(MONO_TX_Q);
        if (value != 0) printf(" Test b1) Monolithic Packet Tx Descriptor Counts:%d FAIL\n",value);
        else printf(" Test b1) Monolithic Packet Tx Descriptor Counts:%d PASS\n",value);
        value = get_descriptor_count(MONO_TX_COMPLETE_Q);
        if (value != 7) printf(" Test b2) Monolithic Packet Tx Complete Descriptor Counts:%d FAIL\n",value);
        else printf(" Test b2) Monolithic Packet Tx Complete Descriptor Counts:%d PASS\n",value);
        value = get_descriptor_count(MONO_RX_Q);
        if (value != 0) printf(" Test b3) Monolithic Packet Rx Descriptor Counts:%d FAIL\n",value);
        else printf(" Test b3) Monolithic Packet Rx Descriptor Counts:%d PASS\n",value);
        value = get_descriptor_count(MONO_RX_FDQ);
        if (value != 7) printf(" Test b4) Monolithic Packet Rx Free Descriptor Counts:%d FAIL\n",value);
        else printf(" Test b4) Monolithic Packet Rx Free Descriptor Counts:%d PASS\n",value);
        printf("\nEnding AIF2 CPRI LTE test\n");
    void reg_wr_32(Uint32 addr,Uint32 write_data)
      (*(Uint32 *) (addr)) = write_data;

  • Hi Albert,


    Does AIF2 also supports LTE 1.4 MHz and LTE 3 MHz for FDD and TDD. Our target Processor is Keystone II device.



  • Hello Albert,

    We have configured aif2 with radio timer terminal count according to normal cyclic prefix. AtEvents are configured on each symbol and aif2 submission is being done on every symbol.
    Is it possible to change the cyclic prefix on the fly by changing PdCommonSetup and PeCommonSetup according to extended CP while keeping the radio timer terminal count and AtEvents as it is?

    Naveen Aggarwal