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Usage of GPIO1 as an interrupt on TMS320C6655

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6655

We are trying to use GPIO1 as an interrupt.  We have been successful in usage as a GPIO pin but not yet as an interrupt..  Below is code being used to initialize GPIO port 1 parameters.    Defining the port direction,  rising edge interrupt enabling, bank enabling, etc … All of the boiler plate parameters we believe are needed to setup the interrupt for GPIO_1.  Can you confirm GPIO 1 can be used as an interrupt?...Based on GPIO spec., all GPIO pins can be used.  Please review code implementation below and provide feedback on what may be wrong.



*.cmd file contents




    .init_array   > L2SRAM

    .dstBufSet  > L2SRAM

    .csl_vect      > L2SRAM


void GPIO01InterruptHandler (void *arg)


    /* Clear the event ID. */



void SetGPIO01ISR(void)



     CSL_IntcContext                           context;

     CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord  EventRecord;

     CSL_IntcEventHandlerRecord  EventHandler[1];

     CSL_IntcParam                               vectId;

     CSL_IntcHandle                             gpioIntcHandle;

    CSL_IntcObj                                    gpioIntcObj;

     CSL_IntcGlobalEnableState     state;

     CSL_GpioHandle                          GhGpio;    

     Uint8                                                 inData;

     int                                                      print_state;


     //Config GPIO01 as input

     GhGpio = CSL_GPIO_open (0);                 // Opens GPIO Instance 0

     CSL_GPIO_setPinDirInput (GhGpio, 1); //set GPIO_1 to be input


     //. Enable GPIO global interrupt   ( BINTEN)

     //GPIO user guide needs to be updated for BINTEN register that bit 0 is for Bank 0 (GPIO pins 15:0)

     //and bit 1 is for Bank 1 (GPIO pins 31-16).

     GhGpio->BINTEN = 0x01;


     // Enable GPIO01 rising edge interrupt

     CSL_GPIO_setRisingEdgeDetect(GhGpio, 1);

     CSL_GPIO_bankInterruptEnable (GhGpio, 0);



     /* INTC module initialization */

     context.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler;

     context.numEvtEntries      = 1;


     if (CSL_intcInit(&context) != CSL_SOK)

         printf ("CSL_intcInit fail\n");


     /* Enable NMIs */

     if (CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable() != CSL_SOK)

         printf ("CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable fail\n");


     /* Enable global interrupts */

     if (CSL_intcGlobalEnable(&state) != CSL_SOK)

         printf ("CSL_intcGlobalEnable fail\n");


     /* Open INTC */

     vectId = CSL_INTC_VECTID_4;

     gpioIntcHandle = CSL_intcOpen(&gpioIntcObj, CSL_GEM_GPINTN, &vectId, NULL);  //CSL_GEM_GPINTN


     if (gpioIntcHandle == NULL)

         printf ("gpioIntcHandle fail\n");


     /* Bind ISR to Interrupt */

     EventRecord.handler = (CSL_IntcEventHandler)&GPIO01InterruptHandler;

     EventRecord.arg     = (void *)CSL_GEM_GPINTN;

     CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(gpioIntcHandle, &EventRecord);


     /* Event Enable */

     CSL_intcHwControl(gpioIntcHandle, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTENABLE, NULL);


     printf ("GPIO01 Interrupt Test Start\n");


     print_state = 1;



         CSL_GPIO_getInputData (GhGpio, 1 , &inData);

         if (inData == 1)


                 if (print_state == 1)


                     printf ("GPIO_1 State: High\n");

                     print_state = 0;





                if (print_state == 0)


                    printf ("GPIO_1 State: Low\n");

                    print_state = 1;




