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How to set SRIO


Two c6671 are connected to each over SRIO lane2. (lane[1:0] is reserved for FPGA and lane3 is not used)

I downloaded simple SRIO example[] from this forum and modified SrioDevice_init function as below. Red is that I changed.

There was no change in content of destination. Please check my code and give any advice.

Two c6671 have same code except device id. I don't know the purpose of device id, but changed it anyway.


int32_t SrioDevice_init (void)

//CSL_SrioHandle hSrio;
int32_t i;

/* Get the CSL SRIO Handle. */
hSrio = CSL_SRIO_Open (0);
if (hSrio == NULL)
return -1;

/* Code to disable SRIO reset isolation */
if (CSL_PSC_isModuleResetIsolationEnabled(CSL_PSC_LPSC_SRIO))

/* Disable the SRIO Global block */
CSL_SRIO_GlobalDisable (hSrio);

/* Disable each of the individual SRIO blocks. */
for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
CSL_SRIO_DisableBlock(hSrio, i);

/* Set boot complete to be 0; we are not done with the initialization. */
CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(hSrio, 0);

/* Now enable the SRIO block and all the individual blocks also. */
CSL_SRIO_GlobalEnable (hSrio);
for(i = 0; i <= 9; i++)

/* Configure SRIO ports to operate in loopback mode.*/
#if 0
CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(hSrio, 0);
CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(hSrio, 1);
CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(hSrio, 2);
CSL_SRIO_SetLoopbackMode(hSrio, 3);
CSL_SRIO_SetNormalMode(hSrio, 0);
CSL_SRIO_SetNormalMode(hSrio, 1);
CSL_SRIO_SetNormalMode(hSrio, 2);
CSL_SRIO_SetNormalMode(hSrio, 3);
/* Enable Automatic Priority Promotion of response packets. */

/* Set the SRIO Prescalar select to operate in the range of 44.7 to 89.5 */
CSL_SRIO_SetPrescalarSelect (hSrio, 0);

/* Unlock the Boot Configuration Kicker */
CSL_BootCfgUnlockKicker ();

/* Assuming the link rate is 3125; program the PLL accordingly. */
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESConfigPLL (0x265); // ref clk is 100MHz * 12.5 = 1.25G * half = 2.5Gbaud

/* Configure the SRIO SERDES Receive Configuration. */
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (0, 0x00440495);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (1, 0x00440495);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (2, 0x00440495);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESRxConfig (3, 0x00440495);

/* Configure the SRIO SERDES Transmit Configuration. */
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (0, 0x00180795);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (1, 0x00180795);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (2, 0x00180795);
CSL_BootCfgSetSRIOSERDESTxConfig (3, 0x00180795);

/* Loop around till the SERDES PLL is not locked. */
while (1)
uint32_t status;

/* Get the SRIO SERDES Status */
if (status & 0x1)

/* Clear the LSU pending interrupts. */
CSL_SRIO_ClearLSUPendingInterrupt (hSrio, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);

/* Set the Device Information */

/* Set the Assembly Information */

/* TODO: Configure the processing element features
* The SRIO RL file is missing the Re-transmit Suppression Support (Bit6) field definition */
peFeatures.isBridge = 0;
peFeatures.isEndpoint = 0;
peFeatures.isProcessor = 1;
peFeatures.isSwitch = 0;
peFeatures.isMultiport = 0;
peFeatures.isFlowArbiterationSupported = 0;
peFeatures.isMulticastSupported = 0;
peFeatures.isExtendedRouteConfigSupported = 0;
peFeatures.isStandardRouteConfigSupported = 1;
peFeatures.isFlowControlSupported = 1;
peFeatures.isCRFSupported = 0;
peFeatures.isCTLSSupported = 1;
peFeatures.isExtendedFeaturePtrValid = 1;
peFeatures.numAddressBitSupported = 1;
CSL_SRIO_SetProcessingElementFeatures (hSrio, &peFeatures);

/* Configure the source operation CAR */
memset ((void *) &opCar, 0, sizeof (opCar));
opCar.portWriteOperationSupport = 1;
opCar.atomicClearSupport = 1;
opCar.atomicSetSupport = 1;
opCar.atomicDecSupport = 1;
opCar.atomicIncSupport = 1;
opCar.atomicTestSwapSupport = 1;
opCar.doorbellSupport = 1;
opCar.dataMessageSupport = 1;
opCar.writeResponseSupport = 1;
opCar.streamWriteSupport = 1;
opCar.writeSupport = 1;
opCar.readSupport = 1;
opCar.dataStreamingSupport = 1;
CSL_SRIO_SetSourceOperationCAR (hSrio, &opCar);

/* Configure the destination operation CAR */
memset ((void *) &opCar, 0, sizeof (opCar));
opCar.portWriteOperationSupport = 1;
opCar.doorbellSupport = 1;
opCar.dataMessageSupport = 1;
opCar.writeResponseSupport = 1;
opCar.streamWriteSupport = 1;
opCar.writeSupport = 1;
opCar.readSupport = 1;
CSL_SRIO_SetDestOperationCAR (hSrio, &opCar);

/* Set the 16 bit and 8 bit identifier for the SRIO Device. */

/* Enable TLM Base Routing Information for Maintainance Requests & ensure that
* the BRR's can be used by all the ports. */

// lane[1:0] for FPGA, lane 2 for DSP
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0);

/* Configure the Base Routing Register to ensure that all packets matching the
* Device Identifier & the Secondary Device Id are admitted. */
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 1, DEVICE_ID2_16BIT, 0xFFFF);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 2, DEVICE_ID3_16BIT, 0xFFFF);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 1, 1, DEVICE_ID4_16BIT, 0xFFFF);
CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 2, 0, DEVICE_ID2_8BIT, 0xFF);

/* Set the Transmit Garbage Collection Information. */

/* Set the Host Device Identifier. */
CSL_SRIO_SetHostDeviceID (hSrio, DEVICE_ID1_16BIT);

/* Configure the component tag CSR */
CSL_SRIO_SetCompTagCSR (hSrio, 0x00000000);

/* Configure the PLM for all the ports. */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
/* Set the PLM Port Silence Timer. */
CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortSilenceTimer (hSrio, i, 0x2);

/* TODO: We need to ensure that the Port 0 is configured to support both
* the 2x and 4x modes. The Port Width field is read only. So here we simply
* ensure that the Input and Output ports are enabled. */
CSL_SRIO_EnableInputPort (hSrio, i);
CSL_SRIO_EnableOutputPort (hSrio, i);

/* Set the PLM Port Discovery Timer. */
CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortDiscoveryTimer (hSrio, i, 0x2);

/* Reset the Port Write Reception capture. */
CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteReceptionCapture(hSrio, i, 0x0);

/* Set the Port link timeout CSR */
CSL_SRIO_SetPortLinkTimeoutCSR (hSrio, 0x000FFF);

/* Set the Port General CSR: Only executing as Master Enable */
CSL_SRIO_SetPortGeneralCSR (hSrio, 0, 1, 0);

/* Clear the sticky register bits. */
CSL_SRIO_SetLLMResetControl (hSrio, 1);

/* Set the device id to be 0 for the Maintenance Port-Write operation
* to report errors to a system host. */
CSL_SRIO_SetPortWriteDeviceId (hSrio, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);

/* Set the Data Streaming MTU */
CSL_SRIO_SetDataStreamingMTU (hSrio, 64);

/* Configure the path mode for the ports. */
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
CSL_SRIO_SetPLMPortPathControlMode (hSrio, i, 0);

/* Set the LLM Port IP Prescalar. */
CSL_SRIO_SetLLMPortIPPrescalar (hSrio, 0x21);

/* Enable the peripheral. */

/* Configuration has been completed. */
CSL_SRIO_SetBootComplete(hSrio, 1);

/* This code checks if the ports are operational or not. The functionality is not supported
* on the simulator. */
//for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
//while (CSL_SRIO_IsPortOk (hSrio, i) != TRUE); // cannot escape this loop

/* Set all the queues 0 to operate at the same priority level and to send packets onto Port 0 */
for (i =0 ; i < 16; i++)
CSL_SRIO_SetTxQueueSchedInfo(hSrio, i, 0, 0);

/* Set the Doorbell route to determine which routing table is to be used
* This configuration implies that the Interrupt Routing Table is configured as
* follows:-
* Interrupt Destination 0 - INTDST 16
* Interrupt Destination 1 - INTDST 17
* Interrupt Destination 2 - INTDST 18
* Interrupt Destination 3 - INTDST 19
CSL_SRIO_SetDoorbellRoute(hSrio, 0);

/* Route the Doorbell interrupts.
* Doorbell Register 0 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 0.
* Doorbell Register 1 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 1.
* Doorbell Register 2 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 2.
* Doorbell Register 3 - All 16 Doorbits are routed to Interrupt Destination 3. */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 0, i, 0);
CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 1, i, 1);
CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 2, i, 2);
CSL_SRIO_RouteDoorbellInterrupts(hSrio, 3, i, 3);

/* Initialization has been completed. */
return 0;

  • Hello,

    I don't understand function CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(CSL_SrioHandle hSrio, Uint8 portNum, Uint8 brrNum, Uint8 enableStatus, Uint8 maintRouting, Uint8 privateStatus)

    What do portNum and brrNum mean?

    My application has 2 lane port (port 0), 1 lane port (port 2) and 1 lane port (port 3).

    Does portNum mean 0, 2, or 3?

    Let me any clue how to set CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo()

  • I modified the code as below. The portNum means core number, so I changed all core number to '0' because there is a core on c6671.

    /* Enable TLM Base Routing Information for Maintainance Requests & ensure that
    * the BRR's can be used by all the ports. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingInfo(hSrio, 0, 3, 1, 1, 0);

    /* Configure the Base Routing Register to ensure that all packets matching the
    * Device Identifier & the Secondary Device Id are admitted. */
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 0, DEVICE_ID3_16BIT, 0xFFFF);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 1, DEVICE_ID3_16BIT, 0xFFFF);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 2, dst_id[0], 0xFFFF);
    CSL_SRIO_SetTLMPortBaseRoutingPatternMatch(hSrio, 0, 3, DEVICE_ID4_8BIT, 0xFF);

    After modifying, I check port 2 of both c6671 are OK.

    Then I send a data by writing LSU reg0 ~ 5. Code is as below. 

    I copied below code from the zip which was attached first question. I just modified source/destination address to DDR3.

    After writing LSU reg0~5, I expected I could see sent data on the other DSP's DDR3, but I didn't see any change.

    Please let me know what should I check to send data over SRIO.

    uint32_t destination = 0x80000004;
    uint32_t source = 0x80000000;
    int LSU = 0;

    Ddr3Write32bit(0, (uint32_t)data);

    /* Make sure there is space in the Shadow registers to write*/
    while (CSL_SRIO_IsLSUBusy (hSrio, LSU) != 0);

    /* Make sure there is space in the Shadow registers to write*/
    while (CSL_SRIO_IsLSUFull (hSrio, LSU) != 0);

    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg0 (hSrio, LSU, 0); //no rapidio MSB
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg1 (hSrio, LSU, destination);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg2 (hSrio, LSU, source);
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg3 (hSrio, LSU, 0x4, 0); //write 4 bytes, no doorbell
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg4 (hSrio, LSU,
    srio_dst_id[0], // destid = 0x4560
    0, // src id map = 0, using RIO_DEVICEID_REG0
    1, // id size = 1 for 16bit device IDs
    0, // outport id = 0
    0, // priority = 0
    0, // xambs = 0
    0, // suppress good interrupt = 0 (don't care about interrupts)
    0); // interrupt request = 0
    CSL_SRIO_SetLSUReg5 (hSrio, LSU,
    4, // ttype,
    5, // ftype,
    0, // hop count = 0,
    0); // doorbell = 0

  • Hi,

    There is also another SRIO example in the MCSDK that can run in board to board. I have tested this example on board to board communication successfully. Better to try this SRIO example for your testing.

    MCSDK Path: \ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_6\packages\ti\transport\ipc\examples\srioIpcChipToChipExample\producer


    Refer \ti\pdk_C6678_1_1_2_6\packages\ti\transport\ipc\examples\srioIpcChipToChipExample\Readme.txt file for more information.
