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Doorbell interrupt with a HWI!!

I am using a C6687 DSP, i'm using a bios_6_41_00_26 and xdctools_3_30_05_60_core, and i am trying to create a hwi where i'll put an ISR  function that will be  executed after receiving a SRIO doorbell interrupt from the other DSP. 

i try the code below but it desn't work .

Void myIsr(UArg arg)
    // this runs when interrupt #4 goes off
	 /* Clear all the specified doorbell interrupts. */


void hwi_init( Hwi_FuncPtr handler_isr)
    Hwi_Params hwiParams;
    Error_Block eb;


    // set the argument you want passed to your ISR function
    hwiParams.arg = 1;

    // set the event id of the peripheral assigned to this interrupt
    hwiParams.eventId = 20;

    // don't allow this interrupt to nest itself
    hwiParams.maskSetting = Hwi_MaskingOption_SELF;

    // Configure interrupt 4 to invoke "myIsr".
    // Automatically enables interrupt 4 by default
    // set params.enableInt = FALSE if you want to control
    // when the interrupt is enabled using Hwi_enableInterrupt()
    hwiParams.enableInt = TRUE;

    myHwi = Hwi_create(4, handler_isr, &hwiParams, &eb);

    if (Error_check(&eb)) {
        // handle the error
    	printf("Error!!! \n");

could you give me any idea about that !!

