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C6678 DDR3

I am loading each core with different .out image and each image uses the DDR3 for some storage...When I used the DDR3 as one partition, nothing worked...I had create a custom platform and give each core a region of the DDR3...where is this requirement mentioned in the datasheets...I read tens of data sheets and never seen this requirements...also, when I looked at the image processing demo, they didn't partition the DDR3 !!!????



  • Hi,

    I am loading each core with different .out image and each image uses the DDR3 for some storage..

    Are you using some buffers from DDR3 for each *.out ?

    If you want to run multiple *.out on multiple cores, create multiple DDR3 partition through "RTSC tools" (*.cmd) to avoid memory conflict between cores.

    , when I looked at the image processing demo, they didn't partition the DDR3 !!!????

    In IPC demo, we run master code on core0 and slave code (same code on all cores) on core 1-7 for image processing.
    slave code would run in all cores on the same DDR location one by one.
  • Thank you Titus,
    I did use the RTSC tools to create multiple DDR3 question is where is this requirement documented...I like to read more about this requirement and know it exists instead of spending long time trying to figure out why the cores are not responding before I partitioned the DDR3...
    Also: for the IPC Demo, I thought all cores are processing sub images at the SAME TIME...not one by one as you imply : " slave code would run in all cores on the same DDR location one by one."

