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infrastructure_multicoremode.c explanation for QMSS

In the function void hiPrioInterruptHandler (uint32_t eventId)

/* Process ISR. Read accumulator list */
temp = l2_global_address ((uint32_t) hiPrioList);
temp &= 0xf0ffffff;
buf = (uint32_t *) temp;
count = buf[0];

Here i am unable to understand why temp is  & with 0xf0ffffff;

This anding will force all of the cores to read from L2 SRAM of CorePac0 which shouldn't be the case.

Data should be DMAed to respective L2SRAM of each core(so no anding) and then they should be able to process the data from there.

I tried removing the "&" operation but then packet received becomes 0 instead of 8.

Please help