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What is the meaning of the budget regulations in the Keystone 2 SerDes User's Guide?


Although the provision of budget is posted in the following user's guide,
I can not understand the part of (The full link budget is 3UI so lane to
lane skew can be larger if additional link analysis is completed.)

Can you explain as you can understand?

KeyStone II Architecture (SerDes) User's Guide (Page 33)

7.2 Recommended SerDes PCB Layout Constraints

• All four complementary transmit pairs RIOTXN/P3:0 shall be assigned
  and routed as an individual net class, routing skew shall not be greater
  than 100 ps between all transmit pairs. (The full link budget is
  3UI so lane to lane skew can be larger if additional link analysis is completed.)

Best Regards,