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DM365 (kernel 2.6.37) USB 3g modem disconnect error

Hello dear colleаguеs,

I connected a 3G modem (quectel uc20) on my custom DM365 board via USB hub (USB2517i). The kernel is 2.6.37 (PSP Modem uses the "option" driver and creates five virtual serial ports (ttyUSB0 .. ttyUSB4) and works properly. But when I disconnet the modem, an error message loops forever:

"option: option_instat_callback: error -71"

I tried some different cases:

If I connect the modem via a second USB hub, the same error loops for a while and kernel continues with disconnection of the serial ports.

If I connect a second 3g modem , there is no error after disconnect the second one.

I also send the debug messages (debug level 8) from musb_hdrc while connecting/disconnecting the modem.
The logs are via second usb hub so error loop is not forever.

Please help me with this problem.

Best regards


  • I see from debugs "cppi_interrupt 1175: CPPI IRQ Tx0 Rx4" occurs too late ! And the error "option: option_instat_callback: error -71" loops until this time.

    Normally in logs, the first interrupt is cppi_interrupt  when I connect a or disconnect second 3g modem device to USB port.

    Can the problem be related to the priority of the cppi_interrupt?