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selecting the right DaVinci processor for optical flow

I am interested in using a DaVinci processor to estimate velocity using optical flow. I've seen this done with a 168MHz, 192kB RAM ST32F4 processor here:

Which DaVinci processor should I consider trying as a replacement for the ST32F407? I would like to find the lowest cost solution.

Do you have a sense of how difficult it will be to port over the code from the px4flow?

  • Could you give some details about your application ?  There are too many things on the website you provided.

    I am not quite sure the optical flow you mentioned is the same as my understanding. Maybe you will be interest in below demo:

  • That's an interesting video, but I need a low cost solution. To rephrase my question a bit more directly...

    What is the lowest cost DaVinci with performance comparable to the ST32F407? (M4/168Mhz/192k)?

  • Hi ,

    I will recommend DM368 , which has ARM9 432MHz , and it has camera interface.

    Or DM6437 which is ARM9+C674 DSP.

  • Thank you for the reply. These chips are more powerful than the ST32F4, but are also considerably more expensive:

    DM368 (1k) $30

    DM6437 (1k) $20

    ST32F407 (1k) $6

    The appeal of starting with an entry level DaVinci is that I know that I will have plenty of room to improve performance within the same family of processors if it turns out that I need to revise my design. 

    To put things a different way -- what is the lowest cost DaVinci? Does that chip outperform the ST32F4?


  • Hi,

    For better performance it is reasonable to be a bit more expensive.

    It really depends on the performance your product requires.

    For similar prices, you might check TI Tiva M4 products.

    If you really want Davinci devices, I will suggest you cotact local sales representives to check the price.



  • Hi Eason -- thanks for the reply.

    I agree that higher performance will cost more, and that it's important to pick the best chip for the job. 

    My local TI sales rep actually sent me here for advice on picking processors!

    I'll definitely check out the Tiva M4 line, but I'd still be interested in knowing how the most affordable DaVinci compares to the ST32F4 in terms of performance...

