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Switched DDR_IN to ISIF_IN, now have black borders

Appro IPNC 4.x, DM368, BT.1120 input

I'm sure there's some minor value I've missed, but to improve latency etc. we switched the video capture path from AVSERVER_CAPTURE_RAW_IN_MODE_DDR_IN to AVSERVER_CAPTURE_RAW_IN_MODE_ISIF_IN, which works very nicely but has created black borders around the top & left side of the image that we have previously adjusted out by changing the offsets which end up in various places around the video capture system (StartX / StartY / ColStart / RowStart / OutStartH / OutStartV0/1 / InStartX / InStartY, SPH, SPV... etc.)

All of those values look correct, and are the same as we used in DDR_IN mode, and yet we still have the black borders.