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Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync

Hello All,

May I know basic difference between "Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync" ?



  • Hello,

    In case of embedded sync, you send codes in the frame that SAV and EAV (start of valid data and end of valid data) so in each SAV and EAV you get one complete frame, the SAV and EAV is a data pattern which is embedded by the capturing device into the frame which the host driver decodes.

    In case of Non Embedded sync is the capturing device (decoder/camera) will send a HSYNC/VSYNC signals to the host, the host decodes the valid lines and valid frames depending on it.
    Hope that helps.

    --Prabhakar Lad
  • Hello Prabhakar,

    Explanation is excellent.

    1. If I interface camera to one of the processor, can I use both Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ?

    2. In that case, who will send the SAV and EAV ? Camera will sent SAV and EAV to the processor ?

    3. So all the devices will support both the Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ? Or

    4. Some particular device only support this Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ?

  • Hi,

    1. If I interface camera to one of the processor, can I use both Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ?
    ==>> To capture a frame you either have to use embedded sync or Non Embedded sync.
    If your processor is supporting both and camera is supporting both you can configure whatever way you want in your driver.

    2. In that case, who will send the SAV and EAV ? Camera will sent SAV and EAV to the processor ?
    ==>> Yes SAV and EAV are sent by camera.

    3. So all the devices will support both the Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ? Or
    ==>> It depends on the camera.

    4. Some particular device only support this Embedded Sync and Non Embedded sync feature ?
    ==> Yes

    --Prabhakar Lad
  • Dear Prabhakar ,

    Excellent reply. Thanks you so much for the explanation.
