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How to change the lcd display to 800x480


  I use a board named "beagleboard xM Rev.C" and get the source code from TI website, the package is " beagleboard-sdk-src-" .  After compile(using compile parameter:omap3_beagle_config), i found that the lcd is 1024x768, My lcd is 800x480. I modified the lcd driver file according my lcd:panel-generic-dpi.c, eg:

   .x_res  = 800,
   .y_res  = 480,

   .pixel_clock = 23500,

   .hfp  = 48,
   .hsw  = 32,
   .hbp  = 80,

   .vfp  = 3,
   .vsw  = 4,
   .vbp  = 7,
  .acbi   = 0x0,
  .acb   = 0x0,
  .config   = OMAP_DSS_LCD_TFT,
  .power_on_delay  = 0,
  .power_off_delay = 0,
  .name   = "generic",

but it was no use, it was still 1024x768, the display was abnormal. After read the log from the console, it seemed that the u-boot transfer its default enviroment to the kernel, I modify the lcd dvimode setting from 1024x768 to 800x480 in omap3_beagle.h, whitch located in u-boot/include/configs/  , it worked well, Please explain the following question:

1)  Dose the u-boot transfer the whole lcd setting to kernel? if ok, when  we use a new panel , what we do is to modify the omap3_beagle.h?  Why  the panel parameters in driver file are useless? 

2) Although the panel can work in 800x480 after the upper modication, but the whole display move upper several line, the width is ok,  at the bottom of the panel, there were several lines no display. How to modify it ?
