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Linux/DM3730: GPIO pins that are input only?

Part Number: DM3730

Tool/software: Linux

I have a board where a USB power enable line is connected to GPIO pin 113.

I have been trying to toggle this line.

I have been doing this in u-boot, as shown below. 

#define LCD_5V5_ENABLE_GPIO 156
#define USB_PWR_GPIO 113
int result;
unsigned long read_res;
gpio_request(LCD_5V5_ENABLE_GPIO, "");
result = gpio_request(USB_PWR_GPIO , "");
printf("gpio_export result %x\n",result);

gpio_direction_output(LCD_5V5_ENABLE_GPIO, 0);
gpio_direction_output(USB_PWR_GPIO, 1);
printf("gpio_direction_output result %x\n",result);
read_res = *((unsigned long *)&gpio4_base->oe);
printf("4 OE %lx\n",read_res);// JJTEMPgpio_set_value(LCD_5V5_ENABLE_GPIO, 1);

gpio_set_value(LCD_5V5_ENABLE_GPIO, 0);

gpio_set_value(USB_PWR_GPIO, 0);

What we have found is that changing the value of gpio_156 in the u-boot code is reflected on the pin. Changing the value of gpio_113 in an identical manner is not reflected on the pin.

Other interesting information, is that the value "read_res", which contains the contents of the OE register for gpio bank 4 , gets set to 0xFFFDFFFF, which is correct for setting gpio113 to output enable The calls to gpio_direction_output and gpio_set_value both return success (0).

I am concerned because of table 25-5 in the AM/DM37x Technical Reference Manual which specifically seems to state that pins 115-112 are input only. Is this correct? Can these pins never be used as output pins?