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DM8148 output color bar test pattern

Can DM8148 chip generate and output color bar test pattern for video output path testing?

  • Yes, it can generate color bar.



    Brijesh Jadav

  • Hi Brijesh,

    Thanks for your quick response.

    I can not find any documents point out how to enable this color bar test pattern.

    Could you provide the steps or related documents about how to enable this test pattern?

    Thanks in advance.

    Albert Ke

  • Hi,

    This is not exposed by the HDVPSS firmware on media controller.



    Hardik Shah

  • You can enable the internal color bar generator by setting bit 15 of the particular VENC's CFG0 register (base offset 0x0000)

    Note though that the color space may also need changing depending on how you are displaying the output.

    Here are some other bits you may need to set/clear depending on your setup...
    Bit 5 = bypass color space converter
    Bit 6 = Y/RGB (may not be used on the 814x)
    Bit 29 = JEIDA/normal bit ordering output for DVO ports

    Base addresses...

    DVO1/HDMI VENC = 0x48106000
    DVO2 = 0x4810a000

    Make sure you read the memory first, then only change the bits you need to.



  • Hi Steve,

    Thanks for your answer.

    This is what I need.



    Albert Ke

  • Hello,

    I would like to ask please:

    if I see a good color bar, does it mean that the timing are configured correctly ?

    I am using 240x320 LCD and it is configured as following:

    cd /opt/dvr_rdk/ti814x/
    echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
    echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled
    fbset -fb /dev/fb0 -xres 240 -yres 320 -vxres 240 -vyres 320 -depth 16
    echo 6500,240/1/22/2,320/2/1/1,1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/timings
    echo triplediscrete,rgb888,0/0/1/1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/output
    echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/display1/enabled
    echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled
    echo 1:dvo2 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/nodes
    echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/vpss/graphics0/enabled

    I ask becuase I see a good stable color bar but on trying to output an image (using psplash) the image appear for split of a second and than dissapear.

    It also seems that it does not appear correctly (every time it is shifted somewhere on screen)

    I do not know if it a matter of wrong timing , size, in vpss configuration or is it something else (framebuffer configuration?) ?

    Following links show the appear/dissapear image (why does it bahves like that) , and the stable color bar:

    Any idea on the matter is highly appreciated,

