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Capture_encode demo in EzSDK5_05 for DM8148 EVM


I am using EzSDK5_05 for DM8148 EVM. I am trying to run capture_encode demo on EVM.

I have tried 720p and 1080p resolution with this demo and it's working perfectly fine. But I am not able to run it for 1080i60 resolution.

I gave following command,

./capture_encode_a8host_debug.xv5T -o sample.h264 -m 1080p -f 30 -b 1000000 -d 0 -n 1000

Is the above input parameters OK ?

what would be the issue with 1080i60 ? I have attached Log for the same. 2021.teraterm.Log

Seeking quick response.

Thanks in advance,

Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hello,

    Interlace capture ( 1080i60) is supported in capture_encode example in   EZSDK 5.05

    ./capture_encode_a8host_debug.xv5T -o sample.h264 -m 1080p -f 60 -b 1000000 -d 0 -n 1000

    replace -m 1080p with -m 1080i

    and let me know the result.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Attached Logs in above post is for 1080i60 only. By mistake i have written -m 1080p

    Anyways I am again attaching tereterm log for

    ./capture_encode_a8host_debug.xv5T -o sample.h264 -m 1080i -f 30 -b 1000000 -d 0 -n 1000

    output file: sample.h264
    bit_rate: 1000000
    frame_rate: 60
    num_frames: 1000
    mode: 1080i
    display_id: 0
     Capture-Encode example 
     OMX_Init completed 
     UIAClient is ready to send a UIA configuration command
    UIAClient received UIA_CONFIGURE_ACK
    UIAClient is done sending requests
    UIAClient is ready to send a UIA configuration command
    UIAClient received UIA_CONFIGURE_ACK
    UIAClient is done sending requests
     openeing file 
     capture compoenent is created 
     control TVP compoenent is created 
    Buffer Size computed: 2073600
    set input port params (width = 1920, height = 1080)enable capture output port 
    got eventEnable/Disable Event 
     dei compoenent is created 
    set input port params (width = 1920, height = 1080) 
    set output port params (width = 1920, height = 1080)set output port params (width = 1920, height = 1080)set number of channelsset input resolutionset output resolutionenable dei input port 
    got eventEnable/Disable Event 
    enable dei output port 0 
    got eventEnable/Disable Event 
    enable dei output port 1 
    got eventEnable/Disable Event 
     encoder compoenent is created 
    found handle 0x12f4f8 for component OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC 
     got display handle 
    found handle 0x133500 for component OMX.TI.VPSSM3.CTRL.DC
    Buffer Size computed: 4147200
    set input port params (width = 1920, height = 1080)setting input and output memory type to defaultenable input port 
    got eventEnable/Disable Event 
     connect call for capture-Dei 
      connect call for dei- encoder 
      connect call for dei-display 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     Capture outport buffers allocated 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     Capture is in IDLE state 
     Dei input port use buffer done 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     DEI outport buffers allocated 
      DEI is in IDLE state 
     encoder input port use buffer done 
      encoder outport buffers allocated 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     Encoder state IDLE 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     ctrl-dc state IDLE 
      display buffers allocated 
     waiting for IDLEgot eventState changed to: OMX_StateIdle 
     display state IDLE 
     got eventState changed to: OMX_StateExecuting 
     display control state execute 
     got event*** unrecoverable error: OMX_ErrorBadParameter (0x80001005) 
    Press a key to proceed

    I am also attaching loggerSMDump.out log which may also be useful to you. 4578.teraterm_1080i_SMdump.log


    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hi Margarita,

    I have found below error message by doing ./loggerSMDump.out 0x9E400000 0x100000 all

    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00990 T:0000000880412f57 M:xdc.runtime.Main S: OMX Error in _OMX_VFDCDisplayConfig :: line 896
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00991 T:0000000880435d91 M:xdc.runtime.Main S: Error in _OMX_VFDCDrvPrimeBuffersAndStart :: line 1416
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00992 T:000000088043cf5f M:xdc.runtime.Main S: OMX Error in OMX_TI_VFDC_CommandNotify :: line 1212
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00993 T:0000000880443593 M:xdc.runtime.Main S: OMX Error in _OMX_BASE_HandleStateTransition :: line 381
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00994 T:000000088044a35b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Module<OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC> Leaving<_OMX_BASE_HandleStateTransition> @line<483> with error<-2147479547:ErrorBadParameter>
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00995 T:00000008804896e1 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Module<OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC> Leaving<OMX_BASE_PROCESS_CmdEvent> @line<784> with error<-2147479547:ErrorBadParameter>
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00996 T:0000000880494d57 M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Module<OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC> Leaving<OMX_BASE_CmdEventHandler> @line<466> with error<-2147479547:ErrorBadParameter>
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00997 T:000000088049e21b M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Module<OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC> Entering<OMX_BASE_CmdEventHandler> @line<434>
    N:VPSS  P:2 #:00998 T:00000008804a62bd M:xdc.runtime.Main S:Module<OMX.TI.VPSSM3.VFDC> Leaving<OMX_BASE_CmdEventHandler> @line<466> with error<0:ErrorNone>

    Is it something that the some wrong display parameters are set in demo ?

    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hi Margarita,

    Any update on above posts ?

    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hi all,

    Any update on above posts ?

    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hi Shabbir

    where can found the file capture_encode_a8host_debug.xv5T?

    I can't found in ezsdk_dm814x-evm_5_05_01_04_setuplinux package.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Steven,

    You can find this binary on your extracted filesystem path.


    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hi Shabbir

    Thank you very much!

    I found it in /usr/share/ti-omx/ , is binary , can't found source code.

  • Hello Steve,

    The code of capture_encode demo is present in: ti-ezsdk_dm814x-evm_5_05_01_04/component-sources/omx_05_02_00_46/examples/ti/omx/demos/capture_encode/

    Best Regards,


  • Hello Shabbir,

    EZSDK 5.05  support Interlace capture ( 1080i60)  in capture_encode example.

    OMX_ErrorBadParameter means that one or more parameters were not valid.

    It seems the error is in VFDC component.

    -d | --display_id      0 - for on-chip HDMI, 1 for Secondary display

    Best Regrads,


  • Hi Margarita,

    The display issue for 1080i resolution is solved. I have made change in one of the display parameter for 1080i mode,

    driverId.eDispVencMode = OMX_DC_MODE_1080I_60

    This solved the issue.

    But I got bad encoder quality (.h264 file).

    .H264 file generated from capture_encode demo is not working properly for all three resolution (i.e 1080p, 1080i, 720p). See

    Please help me to get better encoder quality for all three resolutions (1080p, 1080i, 720p).


    Shabbir Limdiwala

  • Hello Shabbir,

    I will check it.

    Best Regards,
