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dm8148 dvo2 output

I use the HDVPSS Aux Input Path as the Input channel, use the dvo2 as the output channel,by DVO2 pass video data to sii9134 chips。

Software version:ipnc 3.8.

DEMO is multich_capturedisplay.c。

The current phenomenon :Images can be output, but the color is not normal.I adjusted the parameters of HDTV R2Y in the VpsHal_HdVencCscCoeff CscDefaultCoeff [VPSHAL_HDVENC_CSC_NUM_MODE], there was a distinct improvement in video effect, but the images are not completely normal.

The problem:1.if I need to adjust the parameter to adjust my image color。

                            2.If need to adjust the parameters, if there is a calculation method of the parameters or reference parameters 。

Here are three contrast figure, the normal image,  image of before the adjustment , image after adjustment。