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deinterlace for delay


When  I use ISS module to capture PAL video,the video 's sawtooth  very bad.So  I  use dei module of hdvpss ((..\ti_tools\hdvpss_01_00_01_37\packages\ti\psp\examples\common\vps\m2m\m2mDeiScale\)。The video became better.But the dei module will bring me one frame delay as 40ms. We analye the video stream by elcard. we find that the frame0 and frame1 of   dei's video is same(dei.264). So can you tell me it is legal or illegal ?  And why?

My dei module parameter is below:

/* Init application object with selected option */
appObj = &M2mDeiObjs;
appObj->mode = DEI_DRIVER_MODE;
appObj->numCh = DEI_NUM_CHANNELS;
appObj->inMemType = DEI_IN_MEM_TYPE;
appObj->outMemTypeVip = DEI_VIP_OUT_MEM_TYPE;
appObj->numInBuffers = DEI_NUM_IN_BUFFERS;
appObj->numOutBuffers = DEI_NUM_IN_BUFFERS;
appObj->inWidth = vcap_params.width;//DEI_IN_WIDTH;
appObj->inHeight = vcap_params.height / 2;//DEI_IN_HEIGHT;
appObj->inDataFmt = DEI_IN_FMT;
appObj->outWidthDei = DEI_OUT0_WIDTH;
appObj->outHeightDei = DEI_OUT0_HEIGHT;
appObj->outWidthVip = vcap_params.width;
appObj->outHeightVip = vcap_params.height;
appObj->outDataFmtVip = DEI_OUT1_FMT;
appObj->drnEnable = FALSE;
appObj->comprEnable = FALSE;
appObj->drvInst = VPS_M2M_INST_MAIN_DEI_SC3_VIP0;